1.1.4 Academic Integrity, Academic
Dishonesty, and Plagiarism Consequences
Academic Integrity
The writing you submit must be written by you. It must be a result of your thoughts
and self-expression. To develop your writing this semester, you can work with
Valencia’s support team, which includes one of the campus Writing Centers,
Distance Tutoring, the class coach (when available), and your professor.
Academic Dishonesty
All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited at Valencia College. Academic
dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, acts or attempted acts of plagiarism,
cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration or misuse of documents,
misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic dishonesty, and misuse
of identification with intent to defraud or deceive.
To avoid plagiarism, create your own work written by you. When sources are
required for an assignment, you must document the source’s ideas by quoting
them and citing them as instructed in this course. Here are examples of
Plagiarism is when a student uses Artificial Intelligence to generate writing or
generate ideas for writing.
Plagiarism is when a student uses online tools or resources that generate
Plagiarism is when a student uses undocumented ideas from any source.
Plagiarism is when a student uses analysis and interpretations of quotes and
readings from any source.
2/11/25, 4:11 PM 1.1.4 Academic Integrity, Academic Dishonesty, and Plagiarism Consequences: 202520 Freshman Comp I ENC-1101-20287
Plagiarism is when a student uses another person’s ideas, evidence, or
Plagiarism is when a student has someone write their assignments.
Plagiarism is when a student rewords or paraphrases information from any
source without MLA documentation.
Self-Plagiarism is when a student uses work submitted in another course.
Plagiarism can also occur when a student shares their work with someone else
and allows it to be copied or used in any way.
Plagiarism Consequences
If a student submits an assignment with plagiarized ideas, the assignment earns a
If there is a second instance of plagiarism, that assignment also receives a zero,
and the student may be required to meet with professor and/or the dean within 5
days of being notified of the issue.
If there is a third instance of plagiarism, the student will receive a grade of “F” as the
final grade in the course, and the issue may be referred to the college for action in
accordance with Policy 6Hx28:8-03, Student Code of Conduct.
2/11/25, 4:11 PM 1.1.4 Academic Integrity, Academic Dishonesty, and Plagiarism Consequences: 202520 Freshman Comp I ENC-1101-20287