6.2 Lesson: How to Write a Journal Entry
Journal Writing
Your gratitude journals are a place to personally connect and explain how someone
or something makes you feel grateful.
It has to be true and from your experiences to tell your story.
Elements of an Effective Journal Entry
In your paragraph,
Identify the specific gratitude topic. (Be specific: if the topic is “friend,” identify the
friend’s name; if the topic is “song,” identify the song’s name, etc.)
Develop your paragraph using explanation (who or what are you grateful for and
why?) and specific, illustrative details (what anecdote or examples from your
personal experience would show your gratitude to tell your story? how did it make
you feel? what impact has this had on your life? what sensory details, if any, could
you include?
Write in 1st person (I, me, my) since the writing is about your experience and your
perspective, and edit your writing for grammar and mechanics, showing use of
varied sentence structures.
Gratitude Example Paragraphs
A few of my friends, former students, and colleagues answered different gratitude
prompts so that you would have some examples. I think they are amazing! As you
read them, think about how each writer’s unique voice comes through and how the
details create an original expression, making the gratitude come to life on the page.
Doing this creates an authentic connection between the writer and reader.
Example Gratitude Journal #1 about a Person
Example Gratitude Journal #1 about a Pet
2/26/25, 1:51 PM 6.2 Lesson: How to Write a Journal Entry : 202520 Freshman Comp I ENC-1101-20287