Discussion Post Instructions
You’re starting an assignment. Be in the moment and minimize distractions so you can learn and
express your thoughts clearly.
Read “How Gratitude Changes Your Brain.”
Review 6.4 Lesson: Refresher on Paragraph Requirements.
Write a paragraph response for eachprompt below using quoted evidence from the assigned
reading only.
Check that your paragraphs both demonstrate the writing skills taught in the lesson to meet
what is required.
Edit your writing before posting.
Prompts – Answer both
After reading Brown and Wong’s “How Gratitude Changes Your Brain,” write a
paragraph response that explains something you learned about the gratitude
experiment that you feel is most significant for readers to understand. Your
response needs a topic sentence and an integrated, cited, and explicated quote
from the article to support your main idea. After you explicate the quote, connect
to a specific personal experience you had (or want to have) that relates.
Select one of the four insights from Brown and Wong’s “How Gratitude Changes
Your Brain” that is a psychological benefit of giving gratitude. Your response
needs a topic sentence (which insight and your reason it’s important) and an
integrated, cited, and explicated quote from the article to support your main
idea. After you explicate the quote, connect this to you by explaining how this
benefit could be useful (or interesting) to you.