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CRAAP Test: Is Your Source Worthy of Inclusion in Your Essay Research?

If you want to succeed at your assignments or research, you should only use quality information. Use the following criteria, also known as the 
CRAAP Test, to evaluate any information source critically.

Video: Evaluating SourcesLinks to an external site.

Western University. (2012, January 13). 
Evaluating sources. [Video]. YouTube.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

Academic Integrity-University Code of Conduct

Academic honesty is fundamental in an educational environment. Instructors expect students to fulfill their academic obligations through honest and independent effort. Students need to demonstrate academic integrity: the respectful and truthful attribution of credit to those who have provided words and ideas that are used in research assignments.


Plagiarism uses other people’s ideas, words, theories, illustrations or graphics, opinions, or facts without giving credit. Plagiarism is treated seriously and is part of the university code of conduct because it is seen as academic misconduct or simply cheating.

Follow these rules to avoid plagiarism:

Cite Sources: cite sources using APA Style citations in TWO places:


· An “in-text citation” includes brief information a reader will need to find the complete reference in your list of sources within the paragraphs.

· In a “References” or “Bibliography” page at the end of the paper. Check this link for further details: 

General FormatLinks to an external site.

Include Quotations: use a word-for-word duplication of an author’s original writing. See the Purdue University’s 

Handout: Quoting OthersLinks to an external site.

Paraphrase: Restate sources’ ideas using your voice and credit the source. See Purdue University’s 

Paraphrase: Write It in Your Own WordsLinks to an external site.

Present Own Ideas: Express the meaning of something written or spoken using different words. Students’ ideas, informed by research, are what professors look for. It’s the student’s voice that matters to the professor. See: 

Synthesis of Your Own IdeasLinks to an external site.

Use a Plagiarism Checker: For example, the Blackboard SafeAssign tool compares submitted assignments against a set of academic papers to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works. See: 

Submit an assignment using SafeAssignLinks to an external site.


Click on the alternative that did NOT plagiarize information from the original text. Alternatively, 

click here to download the practice exercise on Word

 Download click here to download the practice exercise on Word

Creating a Safe Environment

In this course, you will need to have open and respectful discourse with your classmates regarding various topics, including giving and receiving feedback. Keep a growth mindset when giving and receiving feedback so that you can apply any suggested revisions to your assignments. Remember that keeping an open mind and seeing things from different perspectives is key to growth. Therefore, it will be essential to create a safe environment where everyone can share their thoughts and opinions.

These general etiquette rules serve as guidelines for online class discussions.

Think and edit before you post. Make sure that your comment is accurate, appropriate, and precise.

DON’T SHOUT: TYPING IN ALL CAPS IS AGGRESSIVE. If you are constantly using exclamation marks, you can sound disingenuous!

Participate, but don’t dominate. Dare to initiate a discussion. Everyone has an equal chance to share. It generally helps to read the entire thread before replying. This way, you won’t restate points already made and contribute new information to the discussion. 

Cite your sources. Refer to the class readings & previous lectures in your discussion posts and credit the source.


Blackboard. (n.d.). 
Submit with SafeAssign

to an external site.

Ohio State University. (n.d.). 
Synthesis of your own ideas. Lumen Learning. 

to an external site.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). 
General format. Purdue Writing Lab. 

to an external site.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). 
Handout: Quoting others. Purdue Writing Lab. 

to an external site.

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (n.d.). 
Paraphrasing: Write it in your own words. Purdue Writing Lab. 

to an external site.

Stone, E. A., & Charlson, M. (2021). 
The better college essay: From start to finish. City Limits Publishing.

Turabian, K. L. (2019). 
Student`s guide to writing college papers (5th ed.). University of Chicago Press.

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