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English Credible sources checklist assignment

Please see attached, this goes with the other assignments on why it’s important to invest early

This assignment involves answering some questions about your research paper that are based on a checklist.  

Answer these questions about your final research paper: 

1.  What am I trying to prove?  1-2 sentences. 

2.  Write down five specific examples that you use to prove your thesis. 

Each example should be about 1-2 sentences. 

3.  Do I include in-text citations using APA format after factual information?  Yes or no? Read your paper again carefully and make sure you did not forget any citations.    

4.  Have I thought of a good title for my paper that is interesting and engaging?  If so, what is your title?  If not, think of one now and write it down. 

5.  Have I added enough of my opinions in relation to the factual information that I’ve included?  In other words, is there an equal balance of fact and opinion? 

Yes or no?  If no, add more opinions. 

6.  Did I include my references page and did I do it according to APA format and style mentioned in the book?   

7.  Did I proofread for errors?  You should read your paper at least four times before sending it to me.  Yes or no? 

8.   Did I write 13-15 pages and use 13-15 sources?  Yes or no?  

9.  Is my conclusion long enough and strong enough?  Does my last sentence leave the reader with something to think about?  How can my last sentence or thought be improved?  

The learning objectives for this assignment are as follows: 

A. To proofread and analyze your ideas in your paper and to make sure the ideas are logical and organized.  This relates to establishing credibility as a researcher. 

B. To identify proper APA Format and documentation in your paper. This relates to mastering APA Format in this class. 

C. To identify the proper use of summarizing and paraphrasing in your paper and to be able to create logical merging of fact and opinion.  This relates to becoming a critical and analytical credible researcher. 

D. To recognize the importance of facts in your paper and to enhance your paper with proper revision skills by adding more opinions based on the what, why, and how questions.  This relates to interacting with the material you find and revising it to further prove the thesis.

E.  To read other student ideas and to respond in thoughtful analytical ways to their opinions about these topics.  This relates to interacting with your peers and to sharing your ideas based on their thoughts and opinions.

Module Six: 

1. Watch this video about how to recognize credible online sources:  

2. Post THREE credible online sources that support your thesis. 

For EACH online source, do the following: 

A. Post the link. 

B. Post your thesis and mention how you will use this source in your doc to support and prove your thesis.   

C. Ask one question you would like answered that relates to a new way to use this specific source to support your thesis. 


3. Respond to TWO posts only addressing letter C which is the question the author asked.  Write one paragraph per response post.  When writing a response, make sure to be respectful of others.  When writing a response, please think about the main idea of their post and write down your opinions and new ideas that may be helpful 

for the author. 


The learning objectives for this assignment are as follows: 

A. To think critically and logically about your thesis and to see how you can expand facts and opinions to further prove your thesis. 

B. To review your doc and to find new sources that you may not have thought to find beforehand in relation to your doc. 

C. To expand the idea of new ways of seeing in relation to your thesis and in relation to peer responses. 

D. To demonstrate critical thinking and critical writing skills in relation to your doc and to other peer papers. 

E.  To read other student ideas and to respond in thoughtful analytical ways to their opinions about these topics.  This relates to interacting with your peers and to sharing your ideas based on their thoughts and opinions.

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