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English Exploration Assignment

Explore various topics by reading, watching, and/or listening to at least 10 sources. Submit a log of your exploration. 

· The sources can be any format: print article, social media video, TV episode, podcast episode, etc. 

· The sources can be from anywhere: social media, magazines, TV, books, etc.

If you don’t know where to start, I suggest browsing your social media feeds, Wikipedia, and the free magazines via Flipster. 

This first step of the research process is simply about exploring what’s out there and finding out what interests you! 

Example Log:



Where did you find it?

Title and/or Account

Main topics/subjects

Your thoughts

1-2 sentences




Stop Taking Your Kid’s Temperature


healthcare, children, consumerism, against the mainstream

This caught my attention because I have a kid. I am not interested in healthcare, but I am interested in challenging the status quo.




Key and Peele skit about dubstep


music, trends, comedy, dubstep

This caught my attention because I remember when dubstep became popular. People either loved it or hated it. This makes me wonder what makes music trendy? Is trendy music lower quality?




post about President Carter’s funeral service


presidents, history, the American South, regional cultures

This caught my attention because the former president’s death has been a frequent news topic lately. I don’t know much about Carter. I wonder why he is so popular with southerners. I know he is from Georgia. 




post about Twister game


games, Sears, capitalism, etiquette, social norms, language, 1960s, history, TV

This caught my attention because I never thought about the word “twister” being inappropriate. I wonder when Sears lost its market dominance. I wonder what other things might have failed by were featured on a popular outlet and succeeded.




via Flipster

The World of Ancient Demons

religion, Egypt, death, luck/misfortune, worship, ancient history

This caught my attention because demons are a scary topic. The magazine article explains that scholars call them demons but they’re not the same thing we think of today with scary movies. Demons in Ancient Egypt meant creatures that could move between real-life and the afterlife. They could both help and hurt people. The ancient Egyptians thought everyday animals were doing this. 



Philosophy Now, Dec 2023/Jan 2024, Issue 159

via Flipster

AI for Grief

grief, death, AI, ethics, technology

This caught my attention because it was about AI. I was shocked to learn a man who was dying created an AI chatbot before his death so his family could still talk to him after he died. I am shook.



Artforum International, Nov 2024

via Flipster

Solar Exchange

environment, crisis, technology, art, heat waves

This caught my attention because I hate how hot Houston gets during the summer. The article talks about how people recently died when the outside temperate hit 125 in the shade! 




via reddit

The term “climate change” 


environment, global warming, language, America, science, biology, politics

This caught my attention because it is about the use of “climate change” over “global warming.” I like words and learning about where they come from and why they are popular or unpopular. Language is cool! Since this is reddit, I would need to verify the information another way.




via reddit

Are Magic Eye and other intentional autostereograms considered abstract art?


art, children’s books, trends, aesthetics, high brow, low brow

This caught my attention because I loved looking at Magic Eye books as a kid. I am interested in how they work. Also what makes some art high-brow and other low-brow?



The Wall Street Journal

via Apple News app

Raging Los Angeles wildfires continue to wreak destruction

environment, insurance, economy, disaster

This caught my attention because it is a current event. I wonder how many insurance companies will go out of business or not be able to fulfill their obligations to their customers. There were tons of mansions destroyed. I don’t see how insurance companies can afford these disasters. Will the more frequent and more destructive weather events mean the end of home insurance? I already have to get floor insurance through the government because insurance companies don’t want to insure my house in Houston!

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