The Argument for Forgiving Student Loans
This course culminates with the composition of a classical argument essay. This essay should be on a topic within education today. It needs to make use of outside resources and rhetorical appeals to defend its thesis. This essay serves as a stepping stone to ENG102, using similar techniques and requirements but on a slightly reduced scale. Success on this paper will indicate the student is ready for ENG102.
Essay Requirements:
write an argument essay focused on the theme of the module: education
be in third person exclusively (sorry, no first or second person this time)
sources must be integrated and cited in MLA 8th edition style
include an introduction, an argument-based thesis statement, a section containing the main argument, a section exploring the opposing viewpoint, and a refutation of that opposing view point.
employ the rhetorical appeals of logos, ethos, and pathos, and the essay should avoid the trap of fallacious logic.
write to an academic audience. Employ an appropriate voice and appropriate diction for this audience.
be approximately 1200 words in length.
be typed and follow the MLA format guidelines carefully (watch the video lecture for a refresher if need be)
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Hand in your essay here on Canvas via file upload. It must be in .doc, .pdf, or .docx format. It will be checked for plagiarism by TurnItIn.
This is topic i chose : The Argument for Forgiving Student Loans
Student loan debt has now become one of the most significant economic burdens on millions of Americans, preventing them from achieving economic mobility and financial security in the long term. With tuition prices showing no signs of decreasing, canceling student loan debt has never been more critical. This essay contends that student loan forgiveness would relieve economic stress, speed up economic growth, and be an educational equity dividend. The weight of US student loan debt has grown to $1.7 trillion, equating to not being able to afford a home, save for the future, or accumulate wealth. The Center for American Progress and Roosevelt Institute found that eliminating student loan debt would not adversely impact disposable income and be good for the economy.
It would be advantageous to middle- and working-class families if working-class families can keep more disposable income.
The primary complaint against loan forgiveness is that penalizing those who never borrowed is a bad fiscal decision. Nevertheless, a National Bureau of Economic Research study discovered that current payment programs fail and produce debt traps that destroy economic liberty. Also, government investment in education has been a driver of economic success in the past, so forgiveness is a sound investment for the future.
Student loan forgiveness is needed, but it needs to be accompanied by tuition reform and improved financial aid to avoid future debt crises. Student loans are not just an economic issue; student loans are also a question of rights and capacity. Hence, by enacting loan forgiveness laws, lawmakers can help create a future that is fairer and richer for everyone.
Works Cited
Bivens, Josh. The Economic Impact of Student Debt Cancellation.
How Student Loan Forgiveness Could Change Higher Education Access. Urban Institute, 2021