Assignment Topic:
The assignment asks you to create a resumé, taking a supplied example (Jake Adams resume.jpg) as a model but
personalizing it with your own choice of biographical information or using the biographical information supplied
in the Grace Lopez Personna document. The process of creating this will demonstrate that you are confident
with the techniques used to control the appearance of the text, paragraphs, and layout of the document and with
working with additional elements such as tables and graphics.
Setup instructions:
Before you begin, take a look at our strong resumé example and weak resumé example for this project.
How to submit:
You will be required to submit your assignment using a single file in .docx format. It’s recommended that peer
review assignment file uploads be 10MB or lower. Click the My submission tab to submit your assignment.
How to create your assignment:
1. Start a new Word document. Insert a profile picture. Resize the picture to a size appropriate for the
document. Use the “Format Picture” options to ensure that the picture can be repositioned and that text flows
around the picture (Skillset used: working with graphics)
2. Add your own name beside the picture. Format the text so that they are font size 36 and are in color.
For this document, the font used should be Ariel. Use these font sizes in the resumé: normal text should be size
11, headings size 14 and the name at the top of the resumé should be size 36 (Skillset used: Font Format)
3. Put a blank line below your name. Add a colored bottom border to this line. Set the indent on both the name
line and the borderline to begin to the right of the picture and to line up with each other. Create two blank lines
under this information. Remove indent so that text is again lining up at the left margin. (Skillset used: Paragraph
4. Add a table that contains two columns and one row. Format the table so that there are no visible borders. (The
table gridlines should still be visible. If they’re not, switch them on.) Resize the columns so that the left-hand
column is narrower than the right. (Approximately one-third of the available width.) Format the vertical border
that separates the two columns to be the same size/color as the line under your name and picture. (Skillset used:
Working with Tables)
5. In the left-hand column add the heading “Contact Details”. Format this heading to be size 14 and match the
color of the text to the color chosen for your name. Modify Heading 1 style to include these settings. This style
will now be used for all future section headings in the resumé. (Skillset used: Modifying and Applying a Style)
6. For all information added to the table, use the space before/space after feature to ensure the information in
both columns lines up correctly and is visually appealing.
7. Under the heading “Contact Details”, add your address, email, phone number, and LinkedIn information (if
appropriate). Add icons (available from many free websites online) to add visual impact to this information.
Set an indent in the cell to line up the contact information correctly. (Skillset used: Using paragraph Settings and
Working with Graphics)
8. Add the heading “Profile” in column two. Use the Heading 1 Style to Format it. Type a paragraph
Underneath which summarizes why you are a good fit for the position you are applying for. This should be brief
but should focus on your strengths and transferrable skills. (Skillset used: Applying Styles)
9. Add another row to the table. In the left-hand column add the title “Key Skills”, formatted with Heading 1
style, and under it create a bulleted list of skills you can offer. In the right-hand column add the Title
“Experience” and format with heading 1 style. Under it list previous work experience (most recent first). Use
font formatting to make the job title/employer name stand out and use bullet points to list the responsibilities in
8/10/24, 2:58 PM Task 1: Create a resumé | Coursera
each position. Use indents and paragraph spacing to ensure that everything lines up visually. Add a section
“Education” or “Professional Qualifications” to the left-hand column. Enter the appropriate information under
the heading. (Skillset used: Using Styles and Paragraph Formatting)
10. When the table goes on to a second page, add a new row. Use the split table feature to make this a new table.
If necessary, copy and paste the information to this new row to ensure that a Job Title/Employer and dates of
employment stay with the associated responsibilities. Add a heading “Experience (continued)” if necessary.
Add either “Education” or “Professional Qualifications” to the left-hand column, as appropriate. Enter the
appropriate information under the heading. (Skillset used: Using Styles, Working with Tables and Copy and
11. Add two new rows to the table. In the first blank row, add the heading “Interests”. Merge the two cells into
one. Use bullet points to list interests and hobbies. In the second blank row, merge the two cells into one and
add the heading “References”. Add appropriate information under the heading. (Skillset used: Working with
Tables and Working with Lists )
12. Insert automatic page numbers in the bottom right corner of the resumé using a page number style that has a
graphic. Recolor the graphic to match the color scheme you have chosen for headings. Add your own name to
the footer on the left-hand side. (Skillset used: working with shapes, adding page numbers, and using footers)
13. Save the document.
8/10/24, 2:58 PM Task 1: Create a resumé | Coursera