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Essay 1 – Rogerian Argument Directions, Guidelines, Requirements, & Paper Topic This paper must adhere to the following requirements: • Eight-paragraphs ONLY + a Works Cited page: o 2—introduction

Essay 1 – Rogerian Argument Directions, Guidelines, Requirements, & Paper Topic This paper must adhere to the following requirements: • Eight-paragraphs ONLY + a Works Cited page: o 2—introduction paragraphs, no quotes allowed o 4—body paragraphs, with one quote in each paragraph o 1—refutation paragraph, no quotes allowed o 1—conclusion paragraph, no quotes allowed • Use MLA formatting and rules of citation (Arial 12-point font ONLY; review other rules in The Bedford St. Martin 2021 MLA Handbook) • Use 4-cited sources from research (all evidence must be cited using MLA Rules and Guidelines for In-text/Parenthetical Citation see pages 496 – 515 of the textbook: Everything’s An Argument, with Readings or pages 3 – 10, & 34 – 41 of The Bedford St. Martin 2021 MLA Handbook available on eCampus in the MLA HANDBOOK folder. Provide only one-piece of evidence/one quote in each body paragraph! Evidence is • a direct quote • paraphrased information/a condensed version of the ideas of an author, usually no more than 3- sentences • statistics from a credible source • If you are unsure whether a piece of information or a source is credible, discuss it with me before using it. • Underline the thesis statement and placed it as the last sentence of the second introduction paragraph. If not, I will assume you did not create a thesis and deduct 20-points (see grading rubric in folder on eCampus). • Essay must have an original title of your own creation • No title page allowed; use the MLA formatted, 5-line, required heading • Must create a Works Cited page (see pages 496 – 515 of the textbook: Everything’s An Argument, with Readings or pages 11 – 33, & 40 of The Bedford St. Martin 2021 MLA Handbook available on eCampus in the MLA HANDBOOK folder.). Paper topic and research verbiage The shifting gender balance of the college classroom The widening gap between male and female college enrollment The decline in male college enrollment The increase in female college enrollment Below is a series of questions to consider when determining one’s position and reason for it = a thesis statement w/a specific position and controlling idea/a reason for this argument. Remember—a thesis is never a question; it must always be a precise, concise one-sentence statement. Do not include any of these ideas and/or verbiage in your thesis statement! 1. Why does a 60% women and 40% men gender gap in college enrollment matter? (If you choose this argument, it must be narrowed down to a very specific reason. Do not create a report of generalizations; instead, this must be a debate with a very specific idea.) 2. What are some of the effects this has on society? (Generally)? (Specifically)? 3. How will this affect men’s employability? Will men not be as gainfully employed as women? In the 21st century, will men make less money than women? 4. How will this increase of educated females in society affect the male-female wage gap? Will this gap reverse and men start to make less than women per dollar? 5. What will be the educational outcome for male offspring who grow-up in a family with a mother who is college educated but a father who is not? How essentially is a college educated father in the decision of young men choosing to attend college? 6. If the enrollment gap between males and females continues to decline downward for males, will this result in “toxic femininity” in women who, via educational advantages, will have gained more social, political, and economic power than men? 7. How will this issue affect • male-female interpersonal relationships • Personal relationships (i.e.: dating, marriage, etc.) • Economics/family/lifetime earned income of both sexes • Social structural changes • political structural changesYou can choose one of these arguments for this paper, or create your own argument on this topic. If you are having trouble with this topic/creating an argument, do not hesitate to consult me. How to organize The Rogerian Argument I. 1st Introduction Paragraph Provide background information on debate topic. Don’t assume that the audience is as familiar with this subject and debate as the author. Provide the audience with basic, necessary information to understand this subject. No quotes allowed in this paragraph. II. 2nd Introduction Paragraph (moves the audience towards your position in this debate) Sets the context for your position. No quotes allowed in this paragraph. Thesis Statement—underlined last sentence of this paragraph: Precisely and concisely state the debate and a position. III. Four Body Paragraphs w/one piece of evidence in each Topic sentence Sub-topic sentence Evidence = quote/example/statistic/case study, etc. (Evidence supports the position being argued. Without it, an argument/debate does not exist, just an opinion, which is unacceptable.) Critical Analysis = the explanation of “how” and/or “why” this evidence supports your position—a minimum of three sentences Transition sentence to next paragraph IV. Refutation Paragraph – Objections to your position Positions opposed to the one being argued. Provide at least 3-reasons against your position. Create two-concise sentences for each reason, but do not counter-argue these reasons. No quotes allowed in this paragraph. Refutation must be presented in a separate paragraph, just before the conclusion paragraph or immediately after the second introduction paragraph. V. Conclusion Paragraph Do not start this paragraph with the phrase “In conclusion.” It must bring the essay to an end that flows logically and gracefully from the rest of the essay. No quotes allowed in this paragraph. Here, you can provide your opinion using first person (“I think; I believe; I know; etc.). This is the only place where you are allowed to use 1st person voice (i.e.: I, me, my, mine) Rogerian Argument – Rough Draft requirements and guidelines Directions: Create an MLA formatted rough draft with the following items: • an underlined thesis statement (If you have not created the two-introduction paragraphs, this is okay.) • four body paragraphs with correctly cited evidence/quotes • the Works Cited page, with four full source citations (this is important so that I can evaluate the quality of your evidence) You are not required to provide the following in this rough draft: • the two-introduction paragraphs • the refutation paragraph • the conclusion paragraph The Rough draft is not a graded assignment. However, it must be completed and submitted by the due date to complete the Peer Review assignment. Papers that do not contain the above stated requirements, will not earn a grade on the Peer Review. If you submit a draft that contains all eight-paragraphs, this is perfectly acceptable.

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