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· Before beginning the evaluation stage of this assignment make sure you review the guide for providing well-written peer evaluations, by using the link below. On this guide you will find examples and non-examples of what a well-written peer evaluation looks like.


· Use the rubric to provide an appropriate score for your peers.

· Leave a constructive yet motivational written evaluation for your peers that contains specific examples of what they did well and where they could improve.

Providing Well-Written Peer Evaluations

Learn how to write a peer evaluation that is both critical and motivational for your peers.

Written by Support Team

Updated over a week ago

The Approach to Providing a Well-Written Peer Evaluation

Use the SPARK model below to provide your overall written evaluation on your peers’ work:

Specific: Comments are linked to a particular word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph.

Prescriptive: Like a medical prescription that aims to solve an ailment, prescriptive feedback offers a solution or strategy to improve the work, including possible revisions or links to helpful resources or examples.

Actionable: When the feedback is read, it leaves the peer knowing what steps to take for improvement.

Referenced: The feedback directly references the task criteria, requirements, or target skills.

Kind: Comments should be framed in a kind, supportive way. Also, always try to find at least one positive area of the work to comment on.

Sample Written Peer Evaluations


Example of a poorly done written evaluation on a perfect or near-perfect assignment:

“Good job!! You answered all of the questions correctly and your critical thinking skills are clearly evident! Overall great job! :)”

This example is too nice. It doesn’t provide any specific examples of what was done well and what requires improvement.

Example of an excellent written evaluation on a perfect or near-perfect assignment:

“Great work on this assignment. Your written submission is very thorough with minimal deviation from the assignment expectations and rubric. Your argument was really well-structured and supported with strong evidence throughout. There were two points in your closing paragraph that could have been better worded to avoid redundancy and repetition for the reader, however they still did a good job at summarizing the information above to close off the response. I did not feel like this warranted a loss of marks, but I think it would be a good consideration to keep in mind when structuring future conclusions in your work. I really enjoyed seeing that you incorporated your own opinion on each point, especially in the third paragraph. You brought up valuable points that I will keep in mind throughout this course. Overall, very well done! Your submission was thoughtful and the argument was comprehensive overall. Keep up the good work!”

This example provides specific examples of what was done well and a small suggestion for improvement.


Example of a poorly done written evaluation on a poorly done assignment:

“I reviewed your work and was very disappointed with the quality overall. First of all, there are several grammatical errors throughout which shows that there was minimal proofreading involved. Second, I noticed that you incorporated the wrong reference format. Lastly, I had a very hard time following along with your argument as it was poorly structured.”

This example is too harsh. The tone of the writing comes across as condescending and the reader may be distracted by that instead of being receptive to how they could improve, even though specific examples were given.

Example of an excellent written evaluation on a poorly done assignment:

“Reading through your assignment, I can tell that you put a lot of time and effort into this. Your opinion is strong and clear throughout, with many valid points that I found myself agreeing with. I particularly liked how you listed and addressed all of the counterarguments to your own. That said, I think that there is also some room for improvement here that would greatly benefit you. The number one tip I would provide is to ensure you proofread your work or have someone else read through it with fresh eyes and perspective. This would catch a lot of mistakes that you might have missed and help improve the readability of your work. For example, in your third paragraph there were a few run-on sentences that made it hard to understand. Another great tip would be to try to include more evidence and in-text references to back up your claims. This would make your work look significantly more reliable. Overall, your points came across well and I hope my feedback has been helpful for you moving forward.”

This example provides specific examples of what was done well, suggestions for improvement, and it has a motivating tone.

Evaluate this peer:

In my junior year of high school, I was preparing to take an AP Literature exam as well as finals for my dual enrollment college classes. I was struggling to focus on both my high school and college exams because it was a lot for me at the time, especially since it was my first year back in in-person school after the pandemic. When studying for my exams, my English teacher sat me down and reminded me that exam results don’t reflect who I am as a person and how successful I will be. She believed in me and told me that I just get really stressed out and my mind always goes to the worst. She kept reinforcing the fact that I shouldn’t get like that and that I should always remain as calm as possible and not stress myself out. Most of the time that I didn’t do well on an exam, I’d get really upset with myself and think of myself as a failure. My teacher’s nice words really impacted me and made me have another perspective, and realize that if I don’t do well on the exams, life will go on and I’ll have the opportunity to do better. I ended up passing all of my exams and getting good grades, and my teacher’s words still stay with me until this day. I am always open to receiving feedback from others. A lot of the time, I need someone to sit me down and talk to me for me to understand a situation fully. I tend to get caught in the moment and not think things through.

Last year, a friend of mine didn’t act correctly at a school event which led to him getting in trouble. His friends were bad influences and convinced my friend to engage in a wrongful act, which caused them all to get in trouble. I knew that my friend was not a bad person and wouldn’t normally take part in such an act, but was easily influenced by his friends, who usually got in trouble. After my friend faced the consequences, I talked to him and reinforced the importance of making his own decisions. Growing up, parents and teachers taught children to always be a leader, and never a follower. I emphasized to my friend how he can’t always do what others are doing because it’s “cool” or “fun” in the moment, and to always think about how it’ll effect him in the long run. My feedback was well received, since my friend noticed that what he did was wrong and was a result of him feeling peer pressured. I would not have done anything differently because I told him very nicely and was open to them correcting me if I was wrong. If I saw that what I was saying was bothering them, I would have definitely changed my approach in order for them to feel more comfortable with me giving them feedback.

My strengths in terms of giving and receiving feedback is that I am a good listener, and am always willing to hear the individual’s response to my feedback as well as feedback being given to me. An area of improvement in terms of receiving feedback is to not get upset when I disagree with feedback being given to me. For instance, when I get in trouble with my mom and she gives me feedback when everything has calmed down, I tend to sometimes disagree with her and get upset as a result of me not agreeing with her feedback. I want to try to not get upset if I disagree with feedback that is being given to me since I will not always agree with the feedback being given, but I should still always listen and consider the other individual’s viewpoint and be more understanding. As for giving feedback, I don’t see an area I can improve in, but will always keep in mind ways I can improve perhaps depending on the person I’m giving feedback to and how they will take it.


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