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Evaluation Criteria
1. Was it unique to the individual service user? Does it detail who the person is?
2. Was it person-centered and focused on the individual’s strengths and abilities?
3. Were the person’s choices included?
4. Were all members of the interdisciplinary team, including family, involved in the
5. Were the individual service user’s likes/dislikes included?
6. Are the goals measurable?
7. Is the time frame accurate?
8. Are future goals included?
9. Are behavioral goals included?
10. Are the goals realistic?
11. Are there clear objectives of how each goal will be achieved?
12. Is the plan respectful of the individual service user?
13. Are the activities, supports, and resources clearly identified and aligned to the
14. Is the plan clear?
15. Is the plan free of grammatical errors and abbreviations?
16. Is the plan comprehensive?
17. Is the plan signed?
18. Are there missing elements?
19. What recommendations would you make, if any, to improve the plan and how
would you present any recommendations to the service coordinator you currently
20. To the best of your knowledge, would this plan adequately serve the individual?