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Evidence Based Practice (5CO02)


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Evidence-based practice
Learner Assessment Brief
Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO02_24_01

Level 5 Associate Diploma in

People Management
• Organisational Learning and Development

Level 5 Associate Diploma

Evidence-based practice
This unit assessment addresses the significance of capturing robust quantitative and qualitative
evidence to inform meaningful insight to influence critical thinking. It focuses on analysing
evidence through an ethical lens to improve decision-making and how measuring the impact of
people practice is essential in creating value.

CIPD’s insight
Technology and data use in HR functions (March 2023).
Is there an ideal ratio when it comes to the size of HR teams in organisations? There are plenty
of variables to consider. These include HR’s role in the business, the extent to which ‘HR
responsibilities’ are delegated elsewhere, the capability and capacity of those with said
responsibilities, and of course, how technology and data are used to support HR functions.
In this article, we outline the findings from our survey of 1,174 UK-based HR bosses to shed light
on HR’s operating model from a technology and data perspective. Respondents were from
organisations with 50 or more employees worldwide – the size we’d expect technology like HR
information systems (HRIS) to become crucial for keeping track of employee records.

Evidence-based practice for effective decision-making (July 2023)
People professionals are faced with complex workplace decisions and need to understand ‘what
works’ in order to influence organisational outcomes for the better.
Evidence-based practice helps them make better, more effective decisions by choosing reliable,
trustworthy solutions and being less reliant on outdated received wisdom, fads or superficial
quick fixes.
At the CIPD, we believe this is an important step for the people profession to take: our Profession
Map describes a vision of a profession that is principles-led, evidence-based and outcomesdriven. Taking an evidence-based approach to decision-making can have a huge impact on the
working lives of people in all sorts of organisations worldwide.
This factsheet outlines what evidence-based practice is and why it is so important, highlighting
the four sources of evidence to draw on and combine to ensure the greatest chance of making
effective decisions. It then looks to the steps we can take to move towards an evidence-based
people profession.
Evidence-based practice for effective decision-making | Factsheets | CIPD
People analytics (February 2024)
People analytics is about analysing data about people to solve business problems. You can find
people data from HR systems, IT systems and other departments’ systems. You can also find


Level 5 Associate Diploma
people data from external sources such as salary surveys. Insights from people data can be used
to drive organisational change.
In this factsheet, we explain what people analytics is, why it’s important and how it’s used. We
introduce key terms such as correlation, causation, predictive and prescriptive. We discuss who’s
responsible for people analytics and outline the people analytics strategy and
process. Explore our viewpoint on people analytics and recommendations for employers.

Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the
subject area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking. It is not provided to replace the study
required as part of the learning or as formative assessment material.


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Preparation for the Tasks:

Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.

Pay attention to how your evidence is presented.

Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.

You will also benefit from:

Completing and acting on formative feedback from your assessor.

Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and continuous professional

Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets and related online material on these topics as well
as key research authors on the subject.


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Your manager has asked you to complete a briefing paper for her to give to a visiting team of
people practice graduates who are particularly interested in how evidenced-based practice is used
in the context of people practices. The content needs to give them critical insight into what
evidence-based practice is and how it is relevant to people professionals. She has also asked you
to include practical examples of the types of data analysis that people professionals use.

Briefing paper – part one
For part one, you need to provide the graduates with knowledge and understanding of what
evidence-based practice is and identify approaches that can be taken for effective critical
thinking and decision-making that ensures integrity and value is upheld.
You must ensure that you:

evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice including how approaches to
evidence-based practice can be used to provide insight that supports sound decisionmaking across a range of people practices and organisational issues. (AC 1.1)

evaluate one appropriate analysis tool and one appropriate analysis method that
might be applied by organisations to recognise and diagnose issues, challenges, and
opportunities. (AC 1.2)

explain the main principles of critical thinking including how these might apply to
your own and others’ ideas to assist objective and rational debate. (AC 1.3)

explain two decision-making processes for achieving effective outcomes. (AC 1.4)

assess how two different ethical perspectives can be used to inform and influence
moral decision-making. (AC 1.5)

appraise two different ways organisations measure financial and non-financial
performance, providing one example of each. (AC 3.1)

explain how people practices add value in an organisation and identify two methods
that might be used to measure the impact of people practices. (AC 3.2)

You should relate to academic concepts, theories and professional practice throughout your
briefing paper to ensure that your work is critical and informed by using key academic texts,
articles and relevant publications. All cited references used should be taken from credible
sources and should be correctly acknowledged and presented in full in a bibliography at the end
of your briefing paper.


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Briefing paper – part two (quantitative and
qualitative analysis review)
In part two of your briefing paper, using the information in Table 1 and Table 2 below, you
should provide examples of the types of data analysis that people practitioners use. (AC 2.1,
AC 2.2 and AC 2.3)
Table 1 – Performance data – (please double click on the icon to open the table)


Table one provides performance review judgements for employees from four departments
completed across two quarters. Each individual employee’s performance outcome is indicated by
one of the four criteria-based judgements below:


meets set individual Key Performance Indicators

not quite there yet, and


1. Present each department’s performance review judgements as a percentage.
2. Those gaining ‘outstanding’ are entitled to a four percent bonus payment each quarter.
Calculate the bonus due to each of these employees for each quarter and then provide an
overall total cost of bonus payments for the organisation.
Present your findings from Table 1 using a minimum of three appropriate diagrammatical forms
and make justifiable recommendations based on your evaluations.
The survey data presented in Table 2 has been collected from managers and employees on their
views of the organisation’s approach to monitoring performance. Review the data in Table 2 and
identify any patterns, themes or trends that might be occurring and present recommendations
based on your findings.
Table 2 – Performance review survey responses from line managers and employees

Responses from PM
survey to LM.xlsx

There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading for
AC 2.1 and AC 2.2.


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Your evidence must consist of:
A briefing paper for new people practice graduates with two parts:

Part one – Knowledge and understanding (2900 words)

Part two – Quantitative and qualitative analysis review (1000 words)

Refer to CIPD word count policy.


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist
You may find the following checklist helpful to make sure that you have included the required
evidence to meet the task. This is not a mandatory requirement as long as it is clear in your
submission where the assessment criteria have been met.

Briefing paper – part one
Assessment criteria

Evaluate the concept of evidencebased practice including how it can be
applied to decision-making in people


Evaluate a range of analysis tools and
methods including how they can be
applied to diagnose organisational
issues, challenges and opportunities.


Explain the principles of critical
thinking including how you apply these
to your own and others’ ideas.


Explain a range of decision-making


Assess how different ethical
perspectives can influence decisionmaking.


Appraise different ways organisations
measure financial and non-financial


Explain how to measure the impact and
value of people practice using a variety
of methods.


Evidence reference


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Briefing paper – part two (quantitative and
qualitative analysis review)
Assessment criteria

With reference to a people practice
issue, interpret analytical data using
appropriate analysis tools and methods.


Present key findings
for stakeholders from people practice
activities and initiatives.


Make justified recommendations based
on evaluation of the benefits, risks and
financial implications of potential


Evidence reference


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Evidence-based practice
Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.
Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and
will indicate where the learner sits within the marking band range for each AC.
Assessors must provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. Assessors
should use the mark descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback
that is developmental for learners. Please be aware that not all the mark descriptors will be
present in every assessment criterion, so assessors must use their discretion in making grading
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks
awarded across all assessment criteria.
To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the
assessment criteria.
The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided
NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.
Please note that learners will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level. Referral
grades can be used internally by the centre.

Overall mark

Unit result

0 to 19


20 to 25

Low Pass

26 to 32


33 to 40

High Pass


Level 5 Associate Diploma

Marking Descriptors
Mark Range




The response DOES NOT demonstrate sufficient knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Insufficient examples included where required to support answer.
Insufficient or no evidence of the use of wider reading to help
inform answer.
Presentation or structure of response is not appropriate and does
not meet the requirement of the question/assessment brief.


Low Pass

The response demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Sufficient acceptable examples included where required to support
* Sufficient evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform
answer. Satisfactory in-text referencing.
Answer is acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the
question/task and presented in a more coherent way.
Required format adopted but some improvement required to the
structure and presentation of the response.



The response demonstrates a good level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Includes confident use of examples, where required to support the
* Good evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform
answer. A good standard of in-text referencing.
Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is well expressed.
Presentation and structure of response is appropriate for the


High Pass

The response demonstrates a wide and confident level of
knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
Includes strong examples that illustrate the points being made and
support the answer.
*Considerable evidence of appropriate wider reading to inform
answer. An excellent standard of in-text referencing.
Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is particularly well
expressed or argued.
Presentation and structure of response is clear, coherent, and
responds directly to the requirements of the question/task.
* Evidence of wider reading is an important feature of assessments
at this level. However, whilst a good and appropriate level of this
should be seen across the assessment, there is no requirement for
references to appear within every AC response. The following AC(s)
do not require the use of references to wider reading: AC 2.1 and
AC 2.2.


Associate Diploma
Outcome 1 Asked Questions

Guidance session

Aim of this session

Walkthrough session to guide you through Learning Outcome 1.

Overview of each question/assessment criteria in Learning Outcome 1.

Learning Outcome 1

AC 1.1
AC: Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice including how it can be applied to
decision-making in people practice.

Q: Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice including how approaches to evidence-based practice
can be used to provide insight that supports sound decision-making across a range of people practices
and organisational issues

• Evaluate how evidence-based practice can support decision-making and judgments across a
range of issues. The issues could include both people practice and organisational issues.
• Evaluate at least 2 evidence-based practice approaches and how they impact decision
making. Strategies and Models can be taken from the indicative content.

AC 1.2
AC: Evaluate a range of analysis tools and methods including how they can be applied to
diagnose organisational issues, challenges, and opportunities.
Q: Evaluate one appropriate analysis tool and one appropriate analysis method that might be applied by
organisations to recognise and diagnose issues, challenges, and opportunities.

• Answers should include 1 tool and 1 method and evaluate how they can be applied to
diagnose issues, challenges, and opportunities.
• Ensure responses discuss the effectiveness of the chosen tool and method.

AC 1.3
AC: Explain the principles of critical thinking including how you apply these to your own and
others’ ideas..
Q: Explain the main principles of critical thinking including how these might apply to your own and
others’ ideas to assist objective and rational debate. .

• Explain at least 2 of the main principles of critical thinking.

• Include examples – one example should link to individual ideas, and one to others’ ideas, and
how they assist objective and rational debate.
• Does not need to be work example, could be study, social, volunteer etc.

AC 1.4
AC: Explain a range of decision-making processes.

Q: Explain two decision-making processes for achieving effective outcomes.

• Two approaches must be explained.
• Approaches must focus on how people practitioners identify solutions to issues that impact
people practice.
• Approaches can be taken from the indicative content.

AC 1.5

AC: Assess how different ethical perspectives can influence decision-making.
Q: Assess how two different ethical perspectives can be used to inform and influence moral decisionmaking.

• Assess two different ethical theories that inform and influence moral decision-making.
• Answers should include how they influence decision-making


Associate Diploma
Outcome 2 Asked Questions

Guidance session

Aim of this session

Walkthrough session to guide you through Learning Outcome 2.

Overview of each question/assessment criteria in Learning Outcome 2.

Learning Outcome 2

AC 2.1
AC: With reference to a people practice issue, interpret analytical data using appropriate
analysis tools and methods.
Q: Each individual employee’s performance outcome is indicated by one of the four criteria-based
judgements below: • outstanding • meets set individual Key Performance Indicators• not quite there yet,
and • underperforming.

Present each department’s performance review judgements as a percentage.

Those gaining ‘outstanding’ are entitled to a four percent bonus payment each quarter. Calculate
the bonus due to each of these employees for each quarter and then provide an overall total cost of
bonus payments for the organisation.

• Present your findings from Table 1 using a minimum of three appropriate diagrammatical forms.
• There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading for AC 2.1
• Please note that Table 1 features some missing data, and you should report on the data as provided.
Omissions or ambiguities in the data set are intentional.

AC 2.1
Incomplete Data Sets

The entry for Sally Startling in Q2 is not showing any information. This is intentional and you should
work with the data set as it is.

AC 2.2
AC: Present key findings for stakeholders from people practice activities and initiatives.
Q: 1.
The survey data presented in Table 2 has been collected from managers and employees on their
views of the organisation’s approach to monitoring performance. Review the data in Table 2 and identify
any patterns, themes or trends that might be occurring and present recommendations based on your

• Review the data in Table 2 and identify any patterns, themes or trends that might be occurring
• There is no requirement to include evidence of the use of references to wider reading for AC 2.2.

AC 2.3
AC: Make justified recommendations based on evaluation of the benefits, risks and financial
implications of potential solutions.
Q: 1.
Present your findings from Table 1 using a minimum of three appropriate diagrammatical forms
and make justifiable recommendations based on your evaluations.

Review the data in Table 2 and identify any patterns, themes or trends that might be occurring,
and present recommendations based on your findings.

• A minimum of 2 recommendations for each table should be provided.

• Recommendations must evaluate of the benefits, risks and financial implications of potential solutions.


Associate Diploma
Outcome 3 Asked Questions

Guidance session

Aim of this session

Walkthrough session to guide you through Learning Outcome 3.

Overview of each question/assessment criteria in Learning Outcome 3.

Learning Outcome 3

AC 3.1
AC: Appraise different ways organisations measure financial and non-financial performance.

Q: 1. Appraise two different ways organisations measure financial and non-financial performance, providing
one example of each

• Answers must appraise ways financial and non-financial performance are measured, providing one
example of each.
• An appraisal must discuss the effectiveness of the subject.

AC 3.2
AC: Explain how to measure the impact and value of people practice using a variety of
Q: 1. Explain how people practices add value in an organisation and identify two methods that might be
used to measure the impact of people practices.

• Answers should define the concept of people practice adding value.
• Answers should also explain why value should be measured and include an explanation of two methods
for measuring the value people practice delivers.


5CO02 – Evidence-Based Practice
Unit Guide



Contents……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

Unit Aims and Outcomes………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3


Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria ……………………………………………………………………. 4


How To Approach The Unit …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5


Support ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6


Assessment Questions and Guidance ………………………………………………………………………………. 7


Marking Descriptors and Marking Grid ………………………………………………………………………….. 16


Submitting Your Assessment ………………………………………………………………………………………… 18


Unit Disclaimer and Updates…………………………………………………………………………………………. 19


Appendix …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 20


1. Unit Aims and Outcomes
About This Unit
This unit assessment addresses the significance of capturing robust quantitative and qualitative
evidence to inform meaningful insight to influence critical thinking. It focuses on analysing evidence
through an ethical lens to improve decision-making and how measuring the impact of people
practice is essential in creating value.
Unit Information
Unit Credits:
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
Additional Learning Time:

25 hours
35 hours

Guided learning hours represent viewing recordings, attending live sessions, completing your
eLearning, and support from tutors. Additional learning time includes self-study, research and
assessment preparation and completion.

What You Will Learn
You will develop understanding of the concepts of evidence-based practice and the tools and
methods that are applied to diagnose issues, challenges and opportunities. You will explain the
principles of critical thinking and assess how different ethical perspectives can influence decisionmaking. Key insights and analysis tools and methods will be covered, and you will interpret data
relating to a people practice issues before presenting your findings and evaluating the benefits, risks
and financial implications of solutions. Finally, you will be able to explain how to measure the impact
and value people practice contributions make to the organisation.


2. Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Learning Outcome 1
Understand strategies for effective critical
thinking and decision-making.
Assessment Criteria 1.1
Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice
including how it can be applied to decisionmaking in people practice.
Assessment Criteria 1.2
Evaluate a range of analysis tools and methods
including how they can be applied to diagnose
organisational issues, challenges and

Learning Outcome 2
Understand the importance of decisionmaking strategies to solve people practice

Learning Outcome 3
Be able to measure the impact and value of
people practice to the organisation.

Assessment Criteria 2.1
With reference to a people practice issue,
interpret analytical data using
appropriate analysis tools and methods.
Assessment Criteria 2.2

Assessment Criteria 3.1
Appraise different ways organisations
measure financial and non-financial

Present key findings for stakeholders
from people practice activities

Assesment Criteria 1.3
Explain the principles of critical thinking including
how you apply these to your own and others’
Assessment Criteria 1.4
Explain a range of decision-making processes.
Assessment Criteria 1.5

Assess how different ethical perspectives can
influence decisionmaking.

Assessment Criteria 2.3
Make justified recommendations based
on evaluation of the benefits, risks and
financial implications of potential

Assesment Criteria 3.2

Explain how to measure the impact and
value of people practice using a variety
of methods.


3. How To Approach the Unit
Inside each unit you will find the following sections: Unit Introduction, Your Learning, and Your
Assessment. You should work through each section in order. This is a strategy to allow you to
systematically work through the unit. By taking your time and reading each resource in each section,
it gives you a greater chance of achieving success.
We recommend adopting the below approach:

Before tackling the assessment, you should plan how you are going to approach it. Read the
assessment brief thoroughly to make sure you have a clear understanding of the nature of the tasks
to be completed. Then, watch the assessment walkthrough videos and read this guide. Don’t forget
you can ask your Programme Tutor any questions if you are unsure. By completing these activities,
you should have a full understanding of what the brief is asking you to do and how you are going to
do it.
Now you have planned how to tackle the assessment, you should complete each Learning Topic and
the Chapters and Activities within them. This is how you will learn the key knowledge and skills
required to complete the assessment. You should carry out further reading to support your work and
attend any Masterclasses running at that time or watch the recording.
Write your assessment as you complete Learning Topics. Keep checking with your Programme Tutor
if you have any questions and don’t forget you can submit a draft (ensuring you follow the draft
regulations). You can also attend live sessions or watch the recording for further information on what
is required.
When you have completed all your learning and written your assessment, you should begin your
preparations to submit it. Check that your work is fit for submission before uploading via the
Assessment Submission link.


4. Support
For this unit you will have access to the following support:

Course Site Content
Videos and Live Communications
Contacting Your Programme Tutor

Information around this process can be found in your programme guide and on the course site.
Course Site Content
Access this unit and work through the Unit Introduction, Your Learning
and Your Assessment sections.
You should read the assessment brief, use this guide for support and then
work your way through each learning topic writing your assessment as you
go. Don’t forget to carry out further reading to support your work.
Videos and Live Communications
If you have a question or want to seek further advice, you should watch
the video walkthroughs and attend live sessions.
You can also post in Student Discussion Board (in the CIPD Resources
Library) to connect with other students. Remember you must adhere to
the guidelines, which can be found in a pinned post on the discussion
Contact Your Programme Tutor
Contact your Programme Tutor via the Contact Your Tutor section in the
Unit. Your Programme Tutor is a subject matter expert and can provide
you with expert advice around the assessment, knowledge of HR and L&D
theory and how you can practically apply that in your assessment and


5. Assessment Questions and Guidance
Assessment Type
Task 1 –
Briefing paper

Task 2 –
Quantitative and
analysis review

Style of Writing
Formal – Answers
supported with
presented answers,
with in-text
Referencing to
support them (AC
2.3 only).

Word Count
2,900 words
(+/- 10%)

1,000 words
(+/- 10%)


CIPD Insight Links

One word document
with front cover sheet
attached and signed.

Evidence-based practice for effective decision-making |
Factsheets | CIPD

Assessment Questions and Guidance
Answer the below questions in your assessment. They have been taken directly from the Assessment Brief.
Task 1
• 7 Assessment Criteria.
Evidence required:
➢ Briefing paper
➢ Assessment Criteria as headings for each answer.
➢ Professionally presented answers, with in-text Harvard Referencing to support them.
➢ End Reference list.
2,900 +/-10% words in total.
AC Assessment Criteria
Assessment Question
Indicative content

Evaluate the concept of
evidence-based practice
including how it can be
applied to decision-making
in people practice.

Evaluate the concept of
evidence-based practice
including how approaches
to evidence-based
practice can be used to
provide insight that
supports sound decisionmaking across a range of
people practices and
organisational issues.

Concept of evidence-based practice:
making decisions based on ‘effective
thinking’ and sound evidence, decisions
that can be justified to others. Making use
of strategies, including critical thinking and
analysis in decision-making. Models of
decision-making, for example the rational
model and its limitations, bounded
rationality, individual vs group decision
making, group think and group
Application of evidence-based practice:
effective selection and interpretation of
evidence. Effective analysis of situations
and issues, critical review of theory,

Assessment Guidance
Evaluate how evidence-based practice can
support decision-making and judgments
across a range of issues.
The issues could include both people
practice and organisational issues.
Evaluate at least 2 evidence-based
practice approaches and how they impact
decision making.
Strategies and Models can be taken from
the indicative content.
Evaluate – Make an appraisal of the value
(or not) of something, its validity,
reliability, applicability.

propositions and opinion. Assessing
evidence from a variety of sources;
identifying bias. Forming judgements and
conclusions; developing and testing out
own arguments and conclusions.


Evaluate a range of
analysis tools and methods
including how they can be
applied to diagnose
issues, challenges, and

Explain the principles of
critical thinking including
how you apply these to
your own and others’

Evaluate one appropriate
analysis tool and one
appropriate analysis
method that might be
applied by organisations
to recognise and diagnose
issues, challenges, and

Explain the main
principles of critical
thinking including how
these might apply to your
own and others’ ideas to
assist objective and
rational debate.

Range of analysis tools used in people
practice: for example, environmental
analysis tools, strategic review, future
state analysis, Porter’s five forces, force
field analysis, Ansoff matrix, fishbone
analysis, critical incident analysis, cause
and effect, target operating model,
balanced scorecard, McKinsey 7S; uses
and applications within different areas of
people practice.
Range of analysis methods: for example
interviews, observations, job analysis
questionnaires, work sampling,
examination of organisation metrics,
comparison with sector metrics.
Principles of critical thinking: for example
objective rational thinking and wellreasoned argument. Questioning and
checking validity of sources and validity of
‘evidence’; awareness of bias – conscious
and unconscious, yours and others’.

Responses should include 1 tool and 1
method and evaluate how they can be
applied to diagnose issues, challenges,
and opportunities.
The aim here is to evaluate the tools and
models and their effectiveness.
Evaluate – Make an appraisal of the value
(or not) of something, its validity,
reliability, applicability.

Explain at least 2 of the main principles of
critical thinking.
One example should link to individual
ideas, and one to others’ ideas, and how
they assist objective and rational debate.
Does not need to be work example, could
be study, social, volunteer etc.


Explain a range of

Explain two decisionmaking processes for
achieving effective

How to apply to own and others’ ideas:
comparing ‘like with like’ and recognising
different methodologies, approaches and
contexts; ensuring clarity of terminology
and differentiating between fact and
opinion; awareness of personal agendas
and ‘fake news’, not taking information at
‘face value’; managing ambiguity and
complexity of information; triangulation
and testing out of conclusions.
Decision-making processes: for example,
best fit, future pacing, problem-outcome
frame, action learning approaches, De
Bono (six thinking hats).

Explain – Make something clear to
someone by describing or giving a detailed
account of a process, decision, or way of
doing something.

Two approaches must be explained.
Approaches must focus on how people
practitioners identify solutions to issues
that impact PP.
Approaches can be taken from the
indicative content.
Explain – Make something clear to
someone by describing or giving a detailed
account of a process, decision, or way of
doing something.


Assess how different
ethical perspectives can
influence decision-making.

Assess how two different
ethical perspectives can
be used to inform and
influence moral decisionmaking.

Ethical perspectives: theories of ethics for
example utilitarianism, deontology/
Kantianism, communitarianism, altruism;
ethical values, for example democracy,
fairness, honesty, equality; ethics and

Assess two different ethical theories that
inform and influence moral decisionmaking.
Answers should include:
How they influence decision-making


Appraise different ways
organisations measure
financial and non-financial

Appraise two different
ways organisations
measure financial and
performance, providing
one example of each.

religion; ethics and business; examples of
ethical dilemmas and outcomes.
How they influence decision-making:
examples of ethical dilemmas and
outcomes and the underlying rationales;
examples of how different perspectives
might result in certain decisions, for
example utilitarianism, deontology, the
impact of religious and personal beliefs on
workplace decision-making. Different
approaches to dealing with capability and
performance issues based on ethical
values, compassionate and punitive
responses to work issues. How ethics can
impact on management and leadership
styles and consequently on organisation
Measurements of financial and
nonfinancial performance: for example,
revenue, gross and net profit, cash flow,
return on investment, productivity, key
performance indicators, service level
agreements, balanced scorecard or similar
performance management tools;
stakeholder benefits and feedback,
customer satisfaction, legal compliance,
compliance with environmental standards,
sector ratings.

Assess – Evaluate or judge the importance
an issue and use available information to
make a reasoned judgment.

Answers must appraise ways financial and
non-financial performance are measured,
providing one example of each.

Appraise – Assess, estimate the worth,
value, quality, performance. Consider
carefully to form
an opinion.


Explain how to measure
the impact and value of
people practice using a
variety of methods.

Explain how people
practices add value in an
organisation and identify
two methods that might
be used to measure the
impact of people

Impact and value: concepts and definitions
of impact and value; how people practice
creates value. Impacts: for example, short
and long term, positive and negative,
direct and indirect
impacts. Reasons for measuring: for
example, check and ensure that objectives
being achieved, ensure a people practice
contribution, justify spend on people
practice, continuously improve people
practice activities, identify further needs,
identify gaps, enable informed business
Methods: for example, cost-benefit
analysis, evaluation, validation, ROI, ROE.
Models of evaluation; evaluation methods,
determining evaluation scope and criteria;
types of information and evidence for
evaluation; evaluation tools (for example
staff satisfaction surveys, absence data,

Answers should define the concept of
people practice adding value.
Answers should also explain why value
should be measured and include an
explanation of two methods for
measuring the value people practice
Explain – Make something clear to
someone by describing or giving a detailed
account of a process, decision, or way of
doing something.

Task 2
Quantitative and qualitative analysis review
• 3 Assessment Criteria.
Evidence required:
• Response in the form of data tables/graphs etc and narrative to instructions for Table One and Table Two
• Assessment Criteria as headings for each answer.
• Professionally presented answers, with in-text Harvard Referencing to support them (AC 2.3 only).
• End Reference list.

1,000 +/-10% words in total.
AC Assessment Criteria

With reference to a people
practice issue, interpret
analytical data using
appropriate analysis tools
and methods.

Assessment Question

Indicative content

Assessment Guidance

In part two of your
briefing paper, using the
information in Table 1 and
Table 2 below, you should
provide examples of the
types of data analysis that
people practitioners use.
(AC 2.1,
AC 2.2 and AC 2.3)

Interpretation of raw data (quantitative numerical and qualitative – narrative
feedback) derived from the analysis, for
example causes, effects, trends, patterns,
themes, anomalies, further questions. For
example, process documentation, records
of errors, complaints, shortfalls, successes.
Evidence relating to outcomes
(tangible/intangible); evidence relating to
new or unmet requirements.

Present each department’s
performance review judgements as a

Table 1 – Performance
data – (please double click
on the icon to open the


Present key findings
for stakeholders from
people practice activities
and initiatives.

Table one provides
performance review
judgements for employees
from four departments
completed across two
quarters. Each individual
employee’s performance
outcome is indicated by
one of the four criteriabased judgements below:

Those gaining ‘outstanding’ are
entitled to a four percent bonus payment
each quarter. Calculate the bonus due to
each of these employees for each quarter
and then provide an overall total cost of
bonus payments for the organisation.
Present your findings from Table 1 using a
minimum of three appropriate
diagrammatical forms.

Presentation of key findings: appropriate
formats for presenting evaluation of
findings; presenting data, for example
using diagrammatical forms such as
graphs, charts; reports, briefing papers,
presentations relating to people
performance calculations. Organisation
data: datasets related to specific

There is no requirement to include
evidence of the use of references to wider
reading for AC 2.1
Review the data in Table 2 and identify
any patterns, themes or trends that might
be occurring.
There is no requirement to include
evidence of the use of references to wider
reading for AC 2.2.


Make justified
recommendations based
on evaluation of the
benefits, risks and financial
implications of potential

• outstanding
• meets set individual Key
Performance Indicators
• not quite there yet, and
• underperforming.
Present each
performance review
judgements as a
Those gaining
‘outstanding’ are entitled
to a four percent bonus
payment each quarter.
Calculate the bonus due
to each of these
employees for each
quarter and then provide
an overall total cost of
bonus payments for the
Present your findings from
Table 1 using a minimum
of three appropriate
diagrammatical forms and
make justifiable

HR/L&D/OD activities (for example:
reward data, recruitment data,
compliance data).
Benefits (for example achievement of
objectives, enhanced worker productivity,
customer engagement, improved
organisational culture, enhanced metrics
and business awareness, increased
capabilities, perception of fair policy and
processes, legal compliance).
Risks (for example legal, health and
safety, financial, reputational, capability,
impact on worker or customer
Financial implications: direct costs (costs
of implementing the solution) and indirect
costs (for example loss of working time,
need for skills upgrade in relation to the
solution); costs in relation to the short
and long term benefits (cost benefit
analysis, return on investment); costs in
relation to budget limitations and
feasibility of solutions.

1. Present your findings from Table 1
using a minimum of three
appropriate diagrammatical forms
and make justifiable
recommendations based on your
2. Review the data in Table 2 and
identify any patterns, themes or
trends that might be occurring,
and present recommendations
based on your findings.
A minimum of 2 recommendations for
each table should be provided.
Recommendations must evaluate of the
benefits, risks and financial implications of
potential solutions.

recommendations based
on your evaluations.


6. Marking Descriptors and Marking Grid
Assessors will mark in line with the marking descriptors on the next page, and will indicate where you
sit within the marking band range for each Assessment Criteria.
Our markers will provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit.
Developmental feedback will be provided where an AC is awarded a mark of 1.
The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks
awarded across all assessment criteria.
To pass the unit assessment you must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the assessment
Please note that you will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level on your certificates.

Overall mark

Unit result

0 to 19


20 to 25

Low Pass

26 to 32


33 to 40

High Pass

Marking Descriptors
Low Pass
Contextualised Marking Descriptor

Grading Band
Mark for AC
Descriptor Category


Demonstration of
understanding or skills

The response DOES NOT
demonstrate sufficient knowledge,
understanding or skill (as
appropriate) to meet the AC.

The response demonstrates an
acceptable level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as
appropriate) to meet the AC.

The response demonstrates a
good level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as
appropriate) to meet the AC.

The response demonstrates a wide
and confident level of knowledge,
understanding or skill (as appropriate)
to meet the AC.


Insufficient examples included
where required to support answer.

Sufficient acceptable examples
included where required to support

Includes confident use of
examples, where required to
support the answer.

Includes strong examples that
illustrate the points being made and
support the answer.

Presentation or structure of
response is not appropriate and
does not meet the requirement of
the question/assessment brief.

Required format adopted but some
improvement required to the
structure and presentation of the

Presentation and structure of
response is appropriate for the

Presentation and structure of
response is clear, coherent, and
responds directly to the requirements
of the question/task.

Answers are NOT acceptable and
need to be clearer in responding to
the task and presented in a more
coherent way.

Answer is acceptable but could be
clearer in responding to the
question/task and presented in a
more coherent way.

Answer responds clearly to the
question/task and is well

Answer responds clearly to the
question/task and is particularly well
expressed or argued.

Insufficient or no evidence of the
use of wider reading to help inform

Sufficient evidence of appropriate
wider reading to help inform
answer. Satisfactory in-text

Good evidence of appropriate
wider reading to help inform
answer. A good standard of intext referencing.

Considerable evidence of appropriate
wider reading to inform answer. An
excellent standard of in-text

Required format


Use of references

High Pass

You should refer to this marking grid throughout your assessment to provide you guidance for each task. Your final marks will be generated from how well
you demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understand, providing examples, sticking to the required format, the quality of your answers and your use of


7. Submitting Your Assessment
We understand the amount of work and effort that goes into preparing for an assessment submission,
and to help ensure your success, we want to avoid wherever possible having to reject work or having
to refer / fail a submission.
By sense checking your work against the advice below prior to submission, you can maximise your
chances of success. Each submission will be checked for the items in the illustration below before it is
marked. If any item has been missed, it can result in your work being rejected. You will not lose a
submission attempt if your work cannot be marked due to the issues below, however it will delay your

Academic Misconduct
We regard any attempt by a student to gain an unfair advantage in assessment as a serious academic
offence that undermines the academic standards of the both the centre and the CIPD.
If suspected of plagiarism, and any other academic offence, you will be required to explain why this
has happened and you may lose attempts, have to work on a new brief or the most serious of penalties
which can be withdrawal from the course.
Make sure you know how to correctly acknowledge other people’s work or opinions by accessing the
Harvard Referencing Guide in the Resources area, or contact you Programme Tutor for further advice
and guidance.


8. Unit Disclaimer and Updates
The information in this Unit Guide is correct at the time of creation and publication.
Each year the CIPD makes changes to the core assessment briefs, and to the specialist and optional
unit assessment briefs every 2nd year. We are required to change the briefs over to ensure that they
are relevant and current. There are plans to change over the relevant assessment briefs each summer,
starting in August 2022.
We will keep you informed of any changes well in advance, and you will have a set period of time to
complete the assessment you are working on before the brief changes over.
Both the CIPD and the centre hold the right to amend the unit, content, brief and supporting materials
if there is a requirement to do so.


9. Appendix
No appendix for this unit and assessment

Purchase answer to see full

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