Evidence Based Practice II
DUE January 26, 2025
Blog: Lessons Learned From Project Implementation and Evaluation
In the first week of this course, you reviewed and reflected on the project management plan you developed for a practice change. Now, in the final weeks of the course, you have implemented this practice change. How is it going? What are the lasting impacts of this change? What have you learned from this experience?
Reflection of an experience, lessons learned, and/or sustainability of a project, demonstrates a clear understanding of process. To reflect requires an ability to consider lessons learned, necessary corrections, and next steps. As we move into the final weeks of the course and the practice change implementation, it will be important for you to consider what you learned and how to sustain the project moving forward.
For this Blog, consider what you have learned thus far from the project implementation and evaluation of implementation data. Consider your role, as a leader, in implementing the change for the problem. How has your role impacted the problem or change? How might you approach a future implementation differently?
Clark J. (2011). Let’s reflect: What is the point?
British Journal of General Practice,
61(593), 747.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
Learning Resources
Required Readings
· Gilmour, J. A., Mukerji, G., Segal, P., Sutton, L., Wong, R., Caplan, L., Whitham, D., & Halperin, I. (2019).
Implementing change ideas, interpreting data and sustaining change in a quality improvement projectLinks to an external site..
Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 43(4), 249–255.
· Nelson-Brantley, H. V., & Chipps, E. (2021).
Implementation science and nursing leadership: Improving the adoption and sustainability of evidence-based practiceLinks to an external site..
The Journal of Nursing Administration, 51(5), 237–239. doi:10.1097/NNA.0000000000001006
To Prepare
· Review the Learning Resources concerning how to analyze and reflect on project implementation.
· Consider what you have learned thus far from your project implementation and evaluation.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMain Posting: Idea and Content
60 to >49.0 pts
• Thoroughly responds to the blog prompt/s. • Post provides comprehensive insight, understanding, or reflection about the topic through a focused analysis of the topic supported by personal experiences and/or examples. • Personal opinions are expressed and are clearly related to the topic, activity or process identified in blog prompts. • The post reflects in-depth engagement with the topic. • Posts main blog by due date.
49 to >38.0 pts
• Responds to all of the blog prompt/s. • Post provides insight, understanding, or reflection about the topic through a reasonably focused analysis of the topic supported by personal experiences and/or examples. • Personal opinions are expressed and are but not fully developed to align with blog prompts. • The post reflects moderate engagement with the topic. • Posts main blog by due date.
38 to >27.0 pts
• Partially responds to the blog prompt/s. • Posts are typically short and may contain some irrelevant material. • The post is mostly description or summary without connections or analysis between ideas. • The post reflects minimal engagement with the topic. • Posts main blog by due date.
27 to >0 pts
• Does not respond to the blog prompt/s or entries lack insight, depth or are superficial. • The entries are short and are frequently irrelevant to the events. • They do not express opinion clearly and show little understanding. • The post does not reflect engagement with the topic. • Does not post main blog by due date.
60 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFirst Response: Post to colleague’s main blogpost shows evidence of insight, understanding, or reflective thought about the topic. NOTE: Responses to faculty are not counted as first or second colleague responses.
20 to >11.0 pts
• Presents a focused and cohesive viewpoint in addressing this response. • Response includes focused questions or examples related to colleague’s post. • Response stimulates dialogue and commentary. • Posts by due date.
11 to >6.0 pts
• Presents a specific viewpoint that is focused and cohesive. • Response includes at least one focused question or example related to colleague’s post. • There is some attempt to stimulate dialogue and commentary. • Posts by due date.
6 to >2.0 pts
• Presents a specific viewpoint but lacks supporting examples or focused questions related to colleague’s post. • The posting is brief and reflects minimal effort to connect with colleague. • Posts by due date.
2 to >0 pts
• Response lacks a specific viewpoint and supporting examples or focused questions related to colleague’s post. • The post does not stimulate dialogue or connect with the colleague. • Does not post by due date.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSecond Response: Post to second colleague blog post shows evidence of insight, understanding, or reflective thought about the topic.
20 to >11.0 pts
• Presents a focused and cohesive viewpoint in addressing this response. • Response includes focused questions or examples related to colleague’s post. • Response stimulates dialogue and commentary. • Posts by due date.
11 to >6.0 pts
• Presents a specific viewpoint that is focused and cohesive. • Response includes at least one focused question or example related to colleague’s post. • There is some attempt to stimulate dialogue and commentary. • Posts by due date.
6 to >2.0 pts
• Presents a specific viewpoint but lacks supporting examples or focused questions related to colleague’s post. • The posting is brief and reflects minimal effort to connect with colleague. • Posts by due date.
2 to >0 pts
• Response lacks a specific viewpoint and supporting examples or focused questions related to colleague’s post. • The does not stimulate dialogue or connect with the colleague. • Does not post by due date.
20 pts
Total Points: 100