Final project pitch
25 Points Possible
In Progress
NEXT UP: Submit Assignment
Unlimited A�empts Allowed
2025/1/28 to 2025/3/2
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In 200-300 words pitch me an idea for your final wri�ng assignment. The final assignment at the end of the semester will be 800-
1,000 words and will include at least three sources. One of the sources you will need to interview directly (in person, over the phone,
Zoom etc…)
You can change your idea later on but I want you to be thinking of ideas now. It can be an explainer piece, it can be a personality
profile. It could be an analysis piece about the legislature or your favorite sports team’s past season. Just send me ideas and I’ll help
you refine them and get them ready for the final project.
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2025/2/28 14:51 Final project pitch