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Part 1 –

For this assignment list 6 Human Service Agencies in your community (Brooklyn, New York), (Argus Community
www.arguscommunity.org ) Please list this one as I will use in part two of this assignment.

that you have an interest in. In your next assignments you will choose one of these agencies to contact and visit. Provide the following information on each agency:
·Phone Number
·Contact Name(s)
·Include a brief description of each agency
·Explain why you chose each agency.

What human service agency might be suitable for this assignment?
At first the answer to this question seems obvious until one considers the various forms human services (or helping) agencies take and the many different kinds of people they serve. In addition to taking a variety of forms, human services agencies vary in their structure from informal local volunteer groups with small budgets and volunteers (or quasi-volunteers who are paid only a token amount for what may be hours of work) to huge, multi-program agencies. For success in this assignment, the agency you choose for this assignment should be somewhere in the middle. It should:
·Have a formal Board of Directors and formal legal status as a non-profit organization, be part of the government such as a county department of family services, welfare department, etc. or be what is called a “for benefit” profit making institution such as a corporation that owns several child care centers, group homes, etc.
·Have a mission that is published and clear.
·Have regular sources of funding.
·Have relative independence from sponsoring organizations such as religious bodies, service organizations, schools, etc.
·Have a paid or volunteer staff member or members that function as the chief executive officer.
·Provide prevention, outpatient services, outreach, and/or inpatient services to a vulnerable population.
·Serve a population generally considered to be under the human services umbrella…including but not limited to children, mental health clients, the physically or intellectually challenged, the aged, drug and alcohol consumers, public assistance, prisoners returning to the community, etc. (If you have doubts about whether an organization meets this criterion ask your professor.)
·Have been more or less successfully serving people for at least two years.
·Be in a sector of human services in which you have an interest.
·Choose an agency or program that is relatively unfamiliar to you. If you choose an agency where you work or have worked in the past, please be sure to explore aspects of its work with which you are unfamiliar.

Part 2- 6 pages

After you have completed the interview write a 6 page analysis based on course learning concepts that includes all of the following information:

·Include the date of the interview and the name of the person you interviewed. (I will use someone from Argus Community (

·Describe the agency’s appearance.
·Describe the agency’s origin, mission, and purpose.
·Explain the agency’s role in the community.
·Relate the origins of the agency to the historical development of social welfare and human services in the U.S.
·Identify the major programs for the people served by this agency.
·Describe the method(s) of delivering services used by the agency.
·Describe the primary sources of funding for the agency.
·Who and how many people do they serve in the community (e.g. alcohol and substance abusers, homeless, mental health clients).
·Describe the academic and training requirements needed by the human service staff. Identify major professional organizations and/or licensing requirements for the staff as well as the agency.
·Identify the major laws that govern the sector that the agency is part of.
·Identify major issues and/or concerns that impact the agency.

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