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EEC 3403

Observation: Observational Notes for “Aiden Andrews Boy with Cerebral Palsy, Learning how to crawl.”

Objective Observations

1. Communication Styles:

. The therapist consistently used calm and encouraging tone when speaking to Aiden.

Instructions were clear, often broken into small steps (e.g; “move your hand forward. Good! Now, let’s try again”).

. The therapist used physical gestures and touch to guide Aiden’s movements, supplementing verbal cues.

. The parent asked clarifying questions(e.g, “ Should I hold his legs like this?”) and repeated instructions given by the therapist to ensure they understood.

2. Collaboration styles:

. The therapist frequently paused to check in with the parent, asking for input and ensuring they were comfortable performing certain exercises.

. The parent actively participated following the therapist guidance and asking how they could continue the exercises at home.

. There was a noticeable back and forth exchange of ideas about modifications to exercises to suit Aiden’s comfort.

Invitation for Family Involvement

. The therapist invited the parent to participate directly by holding Aiden in specific positions during exercise.

. The parent was encouraged to practice exercises at home and was provided with detailed explanation of their importance to Aiden’s progress.

Task : Analysis and Advocacy Plan

Based on the data you collected, you will present conclusions on the areas you investigated and develop an advocacy plan intended on supporting the family in their self-identified priority areas of need. Your analysis and advocacy plan will include the following:

1. Conclusions made from your family analysis and observations about the areas you addressed.

2. An advocacy plan for the family

1. Discuss the self-identified area of need for the family

2. Develop a plan to support the family in that specific area

You are required to develop an analysis, based on the information you gathered. You will summarize what you uncovered regarding each of the areas. You will make conclusions based on the areas you addressed, but be certain that your conclusions can be substantiated by the data you collected.

SSE 4380

Information: Issue in country is India, child labor is exceedingly prevalent. Children from the ages of 8 to 17 are being forced to work in India to produce different goods such as garments, cotton goods, cigarettes, footwear, bricks and so much more. Children have also ended up being victims of commercial sexual exploitation due to human trafficking, which is also forced child labor.

Relevance: the goods that children are being forced to produce are being sold globally for inexpensive retail prices, but at the expense of children’s wellbeing and human rights.


Role of Education:

· Discuss the role of teachers and global education in promoting understanding and action regarding the global issue. Consider how education can influence both policy and public perception.

Comparative Analysis:

· Compare and contrast the stance of the United States and the chosen foreign country on the selected global issue. Discuss both countries’ policies, efforts, and status regarding the issue.

CCJ 3666

Identify a current article (within the last 12 months) that focuses on victimization involving a special population (e.g., children, elderly, disabled, LGBTQ+, racial/ethnic minorities). In a 2–3-page paper, summarize the incident and analyze how the victim’s specific characteristics impacted their victimization and interaction with the criminal justice system. Use concepts from Daigle’s 
Victimology to guide your analysis. Address the following:

· How did the victim’s identity affect their experience of victimization?

· What unique challenges did they face in seeking justice or services?

· What recommendations would you offer to better protect and support this population?


· 12-point Times New Roman font

· Double-spaced

· APA citation style for both the textbook and the article


Article Current Event Paper Rubric

Article Current Event Paper Rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity and Coherence of Article Summary

20 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Victimology Theory/Concepts

40 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

40 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDepth of Analysis

30 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

30 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProper Formatting and Citation

10 pts

Full Marks

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

Total Points: 100

WST 3106


The Final consists of four mini-essays. Students will complete all four essays. Read each essay question carefully and address all the sub-questions. I expect to read critically written essays, not just superficial content.  Reflect on your reading and learning this semester and write insightful responses/reactions. See the length requirement for each essay below. 

This Final Assignment Paper Requirements:

1. A cover page with your full name and class number.

2. The body of the paper should have clearly labeled headings, such as   Essay 1, Essay 2, Essay 3, and Essay 4. 
Begin each Essay on a new page!

3. A reference page with references used in this entire Final assignment.

4. Double-spaced.

5. Regular 1′ inch margin (no overly narrow margins).

6. Use WORD document ( not Pages).

7. Make sure this work is yours and review the Canvas 

“Turnitin (AI) Similarity Report”

 Download “Turnitin (AI) Similarity Report”after submitting your paper.  This is why using “in-text citations” and a “reference list” to cite your work is important!


Essay 1 (write 
1 page; double space) 

In Cornel West’s  essay  
Courage (p. 635), he argues that it takes courage to interrogate oneself and asks: “How did I become so well adjusted to injustice?” In “essay format,” address the following questions:

· What did YOU learn from this essay?

· How does Harro’s 
Cycle of Socialization (p. 27)  help YOU understand why we are so well-trained not to see injustice?

· How does Harro’s 
Cycle of Liberation (p. 627) help YOU identify steps you can take to muster the courage to think critically and take actions that promote social justice in your spheres of influence?


Essay 2 (write 
1 page; double-spaced) 

Read Ayvazian and Tatum’s chapter Women, Race, and Racism: A Dialogue in Black and White (p. 147) and Zúñiga, Lopez, and  Ford’s chapter, Intergroup Dialogue: Critical Conversation about Difference and Social Justice (p. 644). In “essay format,” address the following questions:

 What are YOUR hopes for dialogues across similar and different social identities?

· What steps could YOU take in your neighborhood community, place of worship, or college campus to participate in or organize dialogues across differences?

Note: Engaging in dialogues across differences can be challenging and rewarding. Go to the Everyday Democracy website 

to an external site.
 and review the 

“A comparison of dialogue and debate”

 Download “A comparison of dialogue and debate”handout. Take note of the characteristics that distinguish dialogue from debate as you consider what steps you would take to prepare yourself to engage in a sustained dialogue effort about a controversial issue impacting your community, place of worship, college campus, etc.)


Essay 3 (write 
1 page; double-spaced) 

We all need allies to help sustain our work for social justice. What did you learn about the role of allies from reading Anzaldúa’s chapter on 
Allies (p. 637)? In “essay format,” address the following questions:

· What did YOU find helpful about her perspective and why?

· What did YOU find challenging about her perspective and why?

· What are some next steps for YOU to develop trusting ally relationships?


Essay 4 (write 2 pages; double-spaced) 

Write a reflection paper (essay) about your experiences in this class and what you learned. A 
reflection paper allows you to add your thoughts and analysis to what you have read, learned, and experienced while taking this class.  This paper is meant to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas and possible practice/action in the future.

Another option is to focus your reflections on one or more of the following areas. However, the purpose remains the same: reflect on the impact of the topic (s) on your learning experience in this class. 

1. The oppressions we explored in this course (i.e., racism, colorism, classism, religious oppression, sexism, heterosexism, transgender, ableism, adultism, and linguicism, etc.).

2. A specific concept: White Privilege, Heterosexual Privileges, Christian Privileges, or Able-bodies Privileges, etc.

3. Young’s Five Faces of Oppression (i.e., Exploitation, Marginalization, Powerless, and Cultural Imperialism).

4. Kirk and Okazawa-Rey’s social location (i.e., Macro, Micro, and Meso).

5. Harro’s Cycle of Socialization.

6. Harro’s Cycle of Liberation.

7. Group Global  Presentation (GGP)

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