As an analyst at a Policy Think Tank (choose one between – Brookings Institute, Center for
American Progress, Rand Corporation, or Heritage Foundation), you must write a research article on
whether US automobile makers should tackle climate change issues. For the article you must conduct
analysis about the impact to Global Warning and Greenhouse gases that the Big Three US automobile
manufacturers contribute and whether they should seek to mitigate. Your analysis must consider the pros
and cons of Electrical Vehicle (EV) manufacturing and make recommendations about whether your
assigned company should reduce, continue or expand production of EVs in place of fossil-fuel powered
vehicles. The impetus for this article is to summarize how EV production by US automobile
manufacturers impact climate change and to publish an article on whether the EV production by US
manufacturers should be continued at same levels, expanded, or reduced. The period of study is from
2010 to present. My Assigned firm is Stellantis
Deliverable 2 – Develop an Advocacy Report
Scenario You are the director of community affairs for the health lobby organization, Pathways to a Healthy America. In 2010, President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act into law. As a result, millions of Americans who were previously uninsured gained access to the healthcare system. One of the