Need help with comparing known cartridge case from suspect to unknown found at the scene.
Practical Two – Firearms
Compare the known cartridge case (from the suspect firearm) to the unknown cartridge
cases from the scene and determine whether the cartridge cases from the scene were fired in
the suspect firearm. Filled out the answer sheet at the end of the document and turn in.
Known Cartridge Case from Suspect Firearm:
Unknown Cartridge Cases submitted from the crime scene:
Unknown #1
Practical Two – Firearms
Unknown #2
Unknown #3
Practical Two – Firearms
Unknown #4
Unknown #5
Practical Two – Firearms
Answers: Select the response (identification, inconclusive, or elimination) that’s most
Identification Inconclusive Elimination
Unknown #1 compared
to Known
Unknown #2 compared
to Known
Unknown #3 compared
to Known
Unknown #4 compared
to Known
Unknown #5 compared
to Known