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First, discuss your assigned/chosen social determinant of health (SDOH) and identify an area of concern within the overarching SDOH. For example, a group focused on the Education SDOH might choose to

First, discuss your assigned/chosen social determinant of health (SDOH) and identify an area of concern within the overarching SDOH. For example, a group focused on the Education SDOH might choose to focus on early grade reading as an area of concern. Next, conduct an analysis of your selected SDOH and area of concern in the county. What do you see as the public health opportunity(s) and challenge(s)? 

As an individual, in no more than 4 pages, develop an analysis that convinces the readers that the SDOH and area of concern deserves the attention of the county commissioners, county residents, and community partners. 

Your written statement must include the following components: Social Determinant of Health (SDOH): 

Define the SDOH and describe the short- and long-term impacts of your group’s specific area of concern on health outcomes. (½-1 page) 

Geographic and historical context: 

Describe relevant information about the county where you are focused. This can include the history of the area, demographics of the population, the economic environment, and cultural values. 

Identify past or existing policies and practices that have contributed to identified inequities with respect to the SDOH.  

Pay particular attention to county assets and resources, including previous efforts within the county to address the SDOH and other assets within the community that will benefit future efforts. (½-1 page) 

Priority population: 

Describe the population of interest for this SDOH issue within the geographic context. (½-1 page) 

Measures of SDOH: 

Identify measures of occurrence (e.g., disease prevalence, risk) of the SDOH in the population/area of interest (or, if local data are not available, at a larger geographic/population level). Look at key health disparities. 

Compare measures of occurrence across multiple populations or places. Be judicious in the use of data and statistics, including only key information and not overwhelming the reader with too much information. Use tables or charts to display data. (¼- ½ page). All tables and charts should be in the appendix (does not count toward page limit). 


Provide justification for why this SDOH should be a public health priority in this geographic context and among this priority population. This justification should describe the potential positive impact of addressing the SDOH for the county. (~¼ page) 

Social Determinant of Health Analysis Rubric1 

– SDOH Definition and Impact : Clearly defines the SDOH and thoroughly describes both short- and long-term impacts on health outcomes.  

– Geographic and Historical Context : Provides a compelling summary of the  description of the county’s history, demographics, economic environment, and cultural values. Identifies relevant  policies and practices (past or current) contributing to inequities. Highlights county assets and resources effectively.  

– Priority Population : Clearly describes the population(s) of interest within the geographic context.  

– Measures of SDOH : Identifies relevant measures of occurrence and key health disparities. Compares measures across multiple populations or places effectively. Uses tables/charts appropriately.  

– Writing, supporting material, and quality of sources.: Writing was clear, compelling, and conveyed a sense of the partner’s world view. All the supporting materials were relevant, and information listed was incorporated using valid sources. Cites all data obtained from other sources. Citation style is accurate. Provides an appropriate evidence-base for each part of the analysis.  Length is within the page limit. 

Additional Notes:  

Length: Ensure the analysis is no more than 5 pages.  

Appendix: Include all tables and charts in the appendix (not counted towards the page limit).  


Location:  Vance County, NC

Topic: Eliminate very low food security in children — NWS‑02

System statement: How to reduce food insecurity among children under 18 in  Vance County

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