see attached
Written assignment.
Attend a public meeting or other large-group decision-making process (e.g., in a religious organization, corporation, and so on). Prepare an APA formatted 5-6 page paper (with a minimum of six [6] peer-reviewed sources):
· Describe the event you attended (no more than one page).
· Map out the process for decision making as it was demonstrated at the meeting.
· Was there a place for public or stakeholder participation?
· Were decisions made by vote, consensus, or something in between?
· Were all stakeholders heard or able to share their concerns?
· Who was the final decision maker?
Remember you must cite at least 5 peer review articles
No AI allowed; turn-it-in similarity must be under 15%
Criteria |
Performance Indicators (Observation descriptors indicating extent to which criterion is met.) |
Exemplary 10・9 |
Proficient 8・7・6 |
Needs Improvement 5・4 |
Unsatisfactory 3・2・1 |
No Submission |
Depth 30% of overall grade |
Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in depth analysis, and evidence of original thought and support for the topic. |
Content indicates original thinking and develops ideas with sufficient and firm evidence. |
Content indicates thinking and reasoning applied with original thought on a few ideas. |
Content indicates some thinking and reasoning but most ideas are unoriginal or underdeveloped. |
0 points |
Resources 25% of overall grade |
All evidence supports arguments and is relevant to the topic. The student uses the required number and type of resources identified in the syllabus to support his/her argument. |
Most evidence supports arguments and is relevant to the topic. The student uses 75% of the required number and type of resources identified in the syllabus to support his/her argument. |
Some evidence supports arguments and is relevant to the topic. The student uses 50% of the required number of sources. |
Limited evidence to support arguments, with few sources relevant to the topic. The student uses less than 50% of the required number of sources. |
0 points |
Organization 15% of overall grade |
Paper has a high degree of attention to logic and reasoning of points. Paper clearly leads the reader to the conclusion and stirs thought regarding the topic. |
Paper is coherent and logically organized with transitions used between ideas and paragraphs to create coherence. Overall unity of ideas is present. |
Paper is somewhat structured and logically organized. Some points remain misplaced and stray from the topic. Transitions evident but not used throughout. |
Paper is limited in logical organization with major errors. |
0 points |
Mechanics 15% of overall grade |
Few errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure, and grammar. |
Occasional errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure and grammar, but meaning is not obscured. |
Frequent errors of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure and grammar; meaning confused or obscured. |
Dominated by errors in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure and grammar; meaning at times unidentifiable. |
0 points |
Formatting 15% of overall grade |
Paper meets all formatting guidelines and assignment requirements, including page-length and APA formatting requirements. Paper is correctly assembled with a professional look. |
The paper follows most formatting guidelines, including page-length and APA formatting requirements.Paper is correctly assembled. |
Paper generally follows formatting guidelines and assignment requirements, including page-length and APA formatting requirements. Paper has some assembly errors |
Paper does not follow formatting guidelines and assignment requirements, including page -length and APA format requirements. Paper has major assembly errors |
0 points |