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Global Temperature Change

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Global Temperature Change

Student Guide

Assignment Summary

For this assignment, you will ask questions about the factors that have caused a rise in global

temperatures over the past century. Then, you will conduct research to answer your questions. You will

also graph provided information, analyze the graphs, and make conclusions based on the graphs.

Finally, you will write a paper describing the conclusions of your research and graphs.

Background Information

Global temperature change is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Both human activity and natural processes have contributed to this temperature increase. Examples of

human activities include the burning of fossil fuels, cement production, and agricultural activity. Examples

of natural processes include changes in incoming solar radiation and volcanic activity.

Scientists present evidence for the rise in global temperature in the form of tables, graphs, maps, and

models. For example, scientists build climate models (computer simulations of climate systems) to

explore the causes and effects of global temperature change and to predict future trends. These models

predict that the Earth’s average surface temperature will rise as greenhouse gas concentrations continue

to rise. Based on these models, scientists predict that average surface temperatures could rise by

between 2°C and 6°C by the end of the 21st century.


• Computer with Internet access

• Print resources

• Word-processing software

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Prepare for the project.

a) Read through this guide before you begin so you know the expectations for this project.

b) If anything is not clear to you, ask your teacher for assistance.

Step 2: Write your questions.

a) You are familiar with some of the factors that have contributed to the rise in global

temperatures over the past century. Think of three questions that will help you clarify your

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understanding of how these factors lead to an increase in global temperatures. Consider the

following when you come up with your questions:

• Ways in which natural processes and human activity have affected global temperature

change over the past century

• The influence of these processes and activities on a gradual or sudden change in global


b) Write your questions in the space provided at the end of this document.

c) Have your teacher review your questions. Once they are approved, you may begin Step 3.

Step 3: Conduct research.

a) Search for answers to each of your questions. Be sure to support your answers with scientific

evidence from reliable sources.

b) The following are examples of some reliable sources you might use:

• The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

• The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

• Nature magazine

Step 4: Create graphs.

a) Use the information in the tables below to create two-line graphs.

• The first graph should show the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 2015–


• The second graph should show the change in global temperature from 2015–2022.

Table A. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in the Atmosphere

Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in Atmosphere


2015 401

2016 404

2017 407

2018 409

2019 412

2020 414

2021 416

2022 419

*parts per million

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Table B. Change in Global Temperature

Year Change in Global Temperature (°C)

2015 0.90

2016 0.94

2017 0.91

2018 0.82

2019 0.94

2020 0.98

2021 0.84

2022 0.86

b) Make sure your graphs have the following parts:

• A title that reflects the information in the graph

• Factors that are properly placed on axes (For example, does the year go on the x-axis or

the y-axis?)

• Properly labeled axes

• A line that connects the points in the graph

c) Have your teacher check your graphs before you move on to the next step.

d) Use your graphs to answer the following questions. You will include the answers to these

questions in your typewritten paper.

• What happened to the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from 2015–2022?

• How did the global temperature change from 2015–2022?

• What is the relationship between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and

global temperature?

• Research global temperature changes and changes in CO2 levels for the years 1950 to

2022. Based on past changes in overall global temperatures and CO2, what is your

prediction for the next 10 years for global temperature change and carbon dioxide

amounts in the atmosphere?

e) Update your Works Cited page by adding the resources you used to revise your explanation.

Step 5: Create a typewritten paper.

a) For each of your questions, write one paragraph summarizing the answer based on your


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• Cite evidence and patterns in data that connect natural processes and human activity to

the rise in global temperature. Be sure to include as evidence the trends that you

observed in your graphs and the conclusion you made about the relationship between the

amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and change in global temperature.

• Discuss the relationship between these processes and activities, the production of

greenhouse gases, and the effects of greenhouse gases on the atmosphere.

• Use patterns and quanitative data to make predictions for carbon dioxide amounts and

temperature change in the next ten years.

b) Make sure your paragraphs use correct sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and


c) Ask your teacher where you should save your work. Your teacher may also have specific

guidelines about the file name you should use.

Step 6: Evaluate your project using this checklist.

If you can check each criterion below, you are ready to submit your presentation.

Yes No Evaluation Question

Is your name on your typewritten paper?

Did you do research to answer your questions?

Did you create a graph that shows the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere from

Did you create a graph that shows the change in global temperature from 2015-2022?

Did you write four total paragraphs answering your questions?

Did you cite scientific evidence that connects natural processes and human activity to the
rise in global temperature?

Did you include as evidence the trends that you see in your graphs and the conclusion you
made about the relationship between the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and
the change in global temperature?

Did you discuss the relationship between natural processes and human activities, the
production of greenhouse gases, and the effects of greenhouse gases on the atmosphere?

Did you use the patterns and quantitative data to make predictions for carbon dioxide
amounts and temperature change in the next ten years.

Did you double check for correct sentence structure, punctuation, grammar, and spelling in
your paper?

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Step 7: Revise and submit your project.

a) If you were unable to check off all of the requirements on the checklist, go back and make

sure that your project is complete. Save your project before submitting it.

b) Submit your typed paper through the Virtual Classroom.

c) Congratulations! You have completed your project.

Research Questions

Write your four questions in the space below.

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