Good evening, I am currently doing a research paper for my Experimental Psychology class and I need help writing my introduction and my discussion section. This paper has to be in APA format and it has to be in your OWN words, strictly NO PLAGIARISM. For the introduction and discussion, you will need to use the same 3 sources for both sections. I will send them and hopefully, they make sense in writing the paragraph. When using the sources it can only be in your words, no quotes are accepted. You are only to use them as a reference to know what you are talking about.
Rubric for Research Paper 30% of Final Grade Out of 40 Points Formatting Guidelines Length: 5-pages, double-spaced Format: APA-style References: At least 5 empirical articles are required. Content
Rubric for Research Paper 30% of Final Grade Out of 40 Points Formatting Guidelines Length: 5-pages, double-spaced Format: APA-style References: At least 5 empirical articles are required. Content Guidelines / Grading Rubric 1. Title Page [5 points] 2. State a research issue/aim that interests you. Why is it important to