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Choose one article from the list below:

Kelley, E. S., & Bueno, R. (2022). 
Explicit word learning in preschoolers from families with high or low maternal education
Communication Disorders Quarterly, 43(4), 246–260.

Leighton, K., Kardong-Edgren, S., Schneidereith, T., Foisy-Doll, C., & Wuestney, K. A. (2021). 
Meeting undergraduate nursing students’ clinical needs: A comparison of traditional clinical, face-to-face simulation, and screen-based simulation learning environments
Nurse Educator, 46(6), 349–354.

Perming, C., Thurn, Å., Garmy, P., & Einberg, E.-L. (2022). 
Adolescents’ experience of stress: A focus group interview study with 16-19-year-old students during the COVID-19 pandemic
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(15).

Sabella, K. (2021). 
Factors that hinder or facilitate the continuous pursuit of education, training, and employment among young adults with serious mental health conditions
Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 44(4), 373–380.

Simola, S. K. (2019). 
Educating business students to manage for mental health
Journal of Mental Health Training, Education & Practice, 14(5), 315–326.

Svensson, C., Lomander, H., & Kokko, S. (2022). 
Veterinary herd health management—Experiences and perceptions among Swedish dairy cattle veterinarians
Journal of Dairy Science, 105(8), 6820–6832.

All articles are available in full text in the Walden Library. You may also read the abstract for each by copying and pasting the full DOI address into a web browser. Read the abstract for your chosen article, and then answer the questions that follow. Be sure to provide an explanation for each of your answers and include supporting evidence from the text and/or Learning Resources.

1. In your own words, briefly describe the study and what it covered as if explaining it to someone who has not read the abstract information.

2. What sample was used in the study? Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.

3. What population does this sample best represent? Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.

4. Identify at least one variable examined in this study. Classify this variable as quantitative or qualitative. Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.

5. Explain the level of measure for the variable identified in Section 4. Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources.

6. Determine if the study is overall a quantitative or qualitative study. Justify your reasoning using at least two key aspects for the type of study you chose. Explain your answer and provide supporting evidence from the textbook or other resources. 

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