Do the methodology part according to the format.
Research question: Is increased alcohol use related to higher prevalence of depression?
Ho: Alcohol use does not have an effect on depression screening risk.
Ha: Alcohol use has an effect on depression screening risk.
(this is called Procedures in the document, but he wants it called Methodology)
Research Design
The research design should be identified and should be appropriate to answer the research
question(s) under study. Describe the type of research proposed (e.g. experimental,
correlational, survey, qualitative) and specific study design that will be used.
Describe the sampling approach to be used. Identify the procedures that will be used to recruit,
screen, and follow study volunteers. Specifically define the study sample (number of subjects to
be enrolled, characteristics of subjects to be included in and excluded from the research, and
whether this will be a random or convenience sample).
Identify the variables of interest and study endpoints (where applicable). Justify measurement
techniques selected. Provide information regarding the validity and reliability of selected
Detailed Study Procedures
Methods for collecting data and for avoiding / minimizing subject risks should be included.
Include a timeline for subject participation in the project. Identify how subject confidentiality
will be safeguarded (plans for coding data and for securing written and electronic subject
records). Indicate how long personal information will be stored once the study is completed.
Methods will vary with the research approach used (qualitative, quantitative). The selected
methods should be sufficiently described to justify the use of the approach for answering the
defined research question. Methods should also be described in adequate detail so that IRB
members may assess the potential study risks and benefits.
Internal Validity
Threats to internal / external validity should be considered. Describe measures that have been
taken to avoid study bias.
Data Analysis
Specify the analytic techniques the researcher will use to answer the study questions. Indicate
the statistical procedures (e.g. specific descriptive or inferential tests) that will be used and why
the procedures are appropriate.