Guidelines: typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman or Arial 12 pt. font, two page maximum, MicrosoftWord (.docx) file format only. In essay format, identify two or three prompts belowand respond to them. What concerns you the most about the future of Texas politics and why? What do you thinkneeds to change in order for you to feel less concerned? [The above question can be put differently] If you had the power to enact one change togovernment and politics in Texas, what would it be and why? What topic or discussion in this course was most interesting to you and why? What topic wasleast interesting and why? What did you learn about Texas government that was you did not already know? Feel free todiscuss more than one thing. Do you think differently about any of the variables listed below after this course (feel free todiscuss more than one or discuss one not listed)?o Texas Constitutiono Federalism and Texaso Political parties and interest groupso Elections and votingo Texas legislatureo Texas executive brancho Texas judiciaryo Local government in Texaso Public policy making in Texas
Please do some research and write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper on the challenges of wireless content delivery and its implications for sports broadcasting rights fees. You must provide a minimum of
Please do some research and write a 2-3 page APA formatted paper on the challenges of wireless content delivery and its implications for sports broadcasting rights fees. You must provide a minimum of three (3) scholarly sources and text citations to support your work for this week’s assignment.