*****This is an proposal of the project that I will implement *****
Title of your project. “Understanding the importance of early and adequate prenatal care.
Planned date(s) of implementation.
March 24, 2025
The facility where you plan to conduct your PEEP live health teaching session.
***I planned to conduct my PEEP at Queen City Women’s Health.
Healthy People 2030 topic and objective being addressed by your PEEP
**My Healthy People 2030 Objective: Increase the proportion of women who receives early and adequate prenatal care – MICH-08/
Who is your target population? (Reminder: Direct care activities to clients which is defined as individuals, families, groups, communities, or populations)
How will your target population be impacted by your PEEP.
Behavioral Objectives (educational objectives)
Minimum of four behavioral objectives, in SMART format, that will guide your teaching. Remember, these are brief statements identifying what you expect your audience to gain in knowledge, skill, or attitudes as a result of your live education. Each objective must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.
Teaching Strategies
What teaching strategies (methods, activities, and materials) will you utilize during your live education.
A discussion of the pros and cons of each teaching strategy that you have chosen is required.
Note: As part of Module 8 Clinical Experience Journal and Analysis assignment, you will be required to submit the teaching material(s) developed for your PEEP. This may be a PowerPoint developed to guide your teaching, a brochure for participants to take home, a photo of a poster/presentation board, a video, etc. Materials must be designed and created by the student. Should include the Healthy People 2030 topic and objective and your behavioral objectives. Include four required evidence based references cited in correct 7th edition APA. Don’t forget in-text citations.
Outcome Evaluation
What evaluation strategies will you utilize in determining whether or not your audience met each behavioral objective.
Consider a short-term and long-term evaluation plan
What makes your chosen evaluation method most appropriate for your specific audience.
Teacher Performance Evaluation
Discuss the teacher performance evaluation strategies. How will you evaluate your own performance as a teacher.
What makes your chosen teacher performance evaluation method most appropriate for your specific audience.
Content Outline
Content should be based on your four behavioral objectives.
Detailed content outline of the information you plan to present during your live education.
Include in text citations of the required four reference using correct 7th edition APA to earn credit.
Approximately one page in length, may use a traditional outline, bullet points, or any other outline format you choose.
Adhere to 7th edition APA formatting when list the references you used to develop content for your live education. Include a minimum of four references:
Two professional websites.
Two evidence-based articles from peer reviewed scholarly journals
This is an example to show you what an ideal assignment should look like. Do not copy this exemplar as this is considered plagiarism.
Don’t worry about doing the action plan. I have already done it.