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Intervention Notes for social work visits at home. with goals, Intervention, patients response and follow-up

Instructions for this work.

Please look at the sample below, the volume of your work should be like that but do not copy the words here. I need your work to be different and make your work more constructive.

3 different patients with different Interventions ,Goals ,and Patients Response follow-up. Interventions should be 300 words each.

NOTE!!! No plagiarism I will go through your work to compare. Make your work different and more constructive.

Grace- ADHD and HYPERACTIVITY 13years old

James- GENERALIZED DISORDER 12 years old

Mike- ANXIETY 10years old

· I want 3 notes like this but with different interventions and Goals

· I want 3 different interventions for the 3 different patient with different mental health.

Sample Patients condition ADHD AND HYPERACTIVITY


The aim of this visit is to provide Joyce with coping strategies to help her control her frustration using healthy outlet.
With the approval of the Joyce’s mother, this session took place at her home

Interventions Provided

Following an exchange of greetings, CSW reviewed the previous session with Joyce and inquired from her about any concerns before redirecting her to the current session on managing her frustration. CSW provided insight into the importance of deep breathing exercises to calm down when feeling overwhelmed. Joyce was guided through a few deep
breathing techniques, such as inhaling deeply through the nose for a count of four, holding the breath for four counts, and then exhaling slowly through the mouth for a count of four. This technique will help Joyce to activate the body’s relaxation response, making it easier to manage feelings of frustration. CSW and Dajha explored the use of physical activity as a healthy outlet for frustration. Joyce was encouraged to find a physical activity she enjoys, such as dancing, jogging, or even just taking a brisk walk around her neighborhood. CSW
explained to Joyce how engaging in physical activity can help release pentup energy and reduce stress, providing a constructive way to cope with intense emotions. CSW introduced the concept of creative expression as a means of managing frustration. Joyce was encouraged to try activities such as drawing, writing, or playing a musical instrument when she feels frustrated. These activities can provide an outlet for expressing emotions and can serve as a distraction from the source of frustration, helping to shift her focus and improve her mood. By practicing these coping skills regularly, Joyce can develop healthier ways to manage her frustration and improve her overall emotional wellbeing.

Patients Response

Joyce responded positively to these interventions, expressing interest in trying the breathing techniques and physical
activities discussed. She mentioned that she enjoys dancing and is willing to use it to manage her frustration. Joyce
also seemed open to the idea of creative expression and indicated she might try drawing or writing when she feels

FollowUp Plan
CSW will continue to collaborate with Joyce to provide her support and reinforcing the practice of these coping
strategies for symptom management

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