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Hello and welcome to Discussion Forum 1. You complete two discussion forums during the course. Each consists of an initial post of 400-500 words addressing an instructor-provided topic. The forums

Hello and welcome to Discussion Forum 1.  You complete two discussion forums during the course.  Each consists of an initial post of 400-500 words addressing an instructor-provided topic.  The forums also require responses to the posts of at least two classmates. Each response should be 150-300 words.

While online learning is mostly independent in nature, these discussion forums are meant to provide interaction between students (and the instructor to a lesser extent) through addressing topical information associated with course content.  Please read the instructions carefully for each discussion forum, as they will sometimes vary.


1) Each forum includes instructor-provided topics featuring current issues in sport

2) Initial Post is 400-500 words

3) Use the first sentence each forum to mention your name and academic program

4) Pay attention to appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation … forums sometimes are treated a bit loosely, but this is an academic assignment so treat it as such (as if you were submitting a paper in this regard)

5) Realize you cannot make up Discussions Forums.  If you miss one, you lose the points. Avoid the misconception you can simply make these up later in the semester.


View the video links below, taking notes while you view them.

Write a post (do not make it an attachment … put it in the dialog box) that includes:

  • Summary of the content of the videos from Greg Dale, Kevin Elko, and Joe Ehrmann (a separate summary for each speaker) … within each summary, provide a personal reaction to the videos answering:
    • What did you learn? What information could be useful to you in your professional career? What did you like and not like about the videos?
  • How can we apply this information to what is happening with the social isolation and coronavirus restrictions sport (and all of society) is facing?

Greg Dale


Kevin Elko

Joe Ehrmann

PART 2 : 

1) Each forum includes instructor-provided topics featuring current issues in sport

2) Initial Post is 400-500 words

3) Use the first sentence each forum to mention your name and academic program

4) Pay attention to appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation … forums sometimes are treated a bit loosely, but this is an academic assignment so treat it as such (as if you were submitting a paper in this regard)

5) Realize you cannot make up Discussions Forums.  If you miss one, you lose the points. Avoid the misconception you can simply make these up later in the semester.


Read the article and take notes as you do so.  After reading, answer the following:

> Would you have enjoyed playing for a coach like Sullivan?  Why or why not?

> What does the article tell us about the changing role of the coach in American society from the 1960s to now?  Do coaches coach the same?  If not, how is the coaching different?  Could someone coach like Sullivan in today’s society?

Deford, F. (1984). The Toughest Coach There Ever Was 1) Each forum includes instructor-provided topics featuring current issues in sport

2) Initial Post is 400-500 words

3) Use the first sentence each forum to mention your name and academic program

4) Pay attention to appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation … forums sometimes are treated a bit loosely, but this is an academic assignment so treat it as such (as if you were submitting a paper in this regard)

5) Realize you cannot make up Discussions Forums.  If you miss one, you lose the points. Avoid the misconception you can simply make these up later in the semester.


Read the article and take notes as you do so.  After reading, answer the following:

> Would you have enjoyed playing for a coach like Sullivan?  Why or why not?

> What does the article tell us about the changing role of the coach in American society from the 1960s to now?  Do coaches coach the same?  If not, how is the coaching different?  Could someone coach like Sullivan in today’s society?

Deford, F. (1984). The Toughest Coach There Ever Was 1) Each forum includes instructor-provided topics featuring current issues in sport

2) Initial Post is 400-500 words

3) Use the first sentence each forum to mention your name and academic program

4) Pay attention to appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation … forums sometimes are treated a bit loosely, but this is an academic assignment so treat it as such (as if you were submitting a paper in this regard)

5) Realize you cannot make up Discussions Forums.  If you miss one, you lose the points. Avoid the misconception you can simply make these up later in the semester.


Read the article and take notes as you do so.  After reading, answer the following:

> Would you have enjoyed playing for a coach like Sullivan?  Why or why not?

> What does the article tell us about the changing role of the coach in American society from the 1960s to now?  Do coaches coach the same?  If not, how is the coaching different?  Could someone coach like Sullivan in today’s society?

Deford, F. (1984). The Toughest Coach There Ever Was 

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