Museum Paper Checklist/Rubric
________ Did I answer all of Paragraph #1, Descriptive Phase? Was I thorough enough in my answer to get all the 22 points assigned to this part of the paper?
________ Did I answer all of Paragraph #2, Analytical Phase A? Did I use all the elements? Was I thorough enough in my answer to get all the 30 points assigned to this part of the paper?
________ Did I answer all of Paragraph #3, Analytical Phase B? Did I use all the principles? Was I thorough enough in my answer to get all the 30 points assigned to this part of the paper?
________ Did I answer all of Paragraph #4, Interpretive Phase? Was I thorough enough in my answer to get all the 15 points assigned to this part of the paper?
________ Did I answer all of Paragraph #5, Evaluative Phase, including the additional part? Was I thorough enough in my answer to get all the 30 points assigned to this part of the paper?
________ Did I use the MLA formatting style? I can check at
the Purdue Owl MLA Site or search on the internet for the MLA style? Was I thorough enough to earn 8 points for this?
________ Did I use college-level writing and grammar? Was I thorough enough to earn 15 points for this?
Other Things That Can Affect My Grade
Plagiarism: The SafeAssign link that all students are required to use scans for plagiarism. Students get only one submission attempt, so make sure you put it all in your own words. This is a subjective paper, so it should be all in your own words. More than that, and I usually start counting off 1 point per 1% over. Remember that this is not a research paper.
Paper Length: Make sure your paper is at the very least 750 words or I start counting off 1 point for each 10 words too short.