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50 points Name: _______________________________


Objective: A preliminary annotative bibliography containing a variety of sources must be completed prior to the first rough draft in order to check your progress. Your preliminary annotative bibliography must contain
five sources,
two of which could be from scholarly journals.

The bibliography must also follow proper MLA format and be annotated.

Each annotation must include the following:


Proficient (2)

Basic (1)

Below Basic (0)


Brief summaries of the contents of the resources are evident, yet concise (one to two sentences per resource).

Summaries are too lengthy and/or take away from the evaluation of the resource in relationship to the research focus.

No summaries were evident.


Ways in which the resources connect to the specific research sub-topics (as possibly indicated in the paper’s outline) are clearly identified,

with ways in which the resources offer unique value or relate to each other

It is clear how the source relates to the overall research topic, but not how it connects to any specific subtopics or to the other sources

No connections identified.

Source Quality and Authority

The validity/ reliability of the information has been evaluated accurately. The author or the publisher has been identified along with mention of their professional credits as they relate to the research. The impact of the copyright date may have been considered.

The evaluation of validity/reliability is brief and unconvincing and/or the author or publisher has been identified without mention of their professional credits.

No evaluation of validity/reliability of information or the impact of the copyright date have taken place. The author or publisher has not been identified.

Citation Style/Formatting

Proper formatting is evident in the citation and the annotation throughout the entire bibliography.

Proper formatting is evident in the citation or the annotation throughout some of the bibliography.

Proper formatting is not evident in the citation or the annotations.


Varied sentence structure, formal and appropriate terminology, and correct spelling/grammar are evident throughout all the annotations within the
entire bibliography.

Proper sentence structure, formal and appropriate terminology, and correct spelling/grammar are evident throughout
some of the bibliography.

Proper sentence structure, formal and appropriate terminology, and correct spelling/grammar are not evident throughout.

Name: _______________________________


Source #1 ___ connections (2 points)

___ summary (2 points)

___ source quality/authority (2 points)

___ citation style/formatting (2 points)

___ writing (2 points)

Source #2 ___ connections (2 points)

___ summary (2 points)

___ source quality/authority (2 points)

___ citation style/formatting (2 points)

___ writing (2 points)

Source #3 ___ connections (2 points)

___ summary (2 points)

___ source quality/authority (2 points)

___ citation style/formatting (2 points)

___ writing (2 points)

Source #4 ___ connections (2 points)

___ summary (2 points)

___ source quality/authority (2 points)

___ citation style/formatting (2 points)

___ writing (2 points)

Source #5 ___ connections (2 points)

___ summary (2 points)

___ source quality/authority (2 points)

___ citation style/formatting (2 points)

___ writing (2 points)

TOPIC: Should adopted children have access to birth records?

Some Examples


Professor Hamilton


29 February 2024


Source #1

Fultz, Amanda. “Pretty Hurts: Associated Risks and Possible Preventive Measures for Child Beauty Pageantry.” (2020).

This source presents a critical analysis of the child beauty pageants problem and outlines some prevention options to eliminate exploitation. The article critically revises the contentiousness surrounding the child beauty pageants arguing about the possible dangers and abuse positioned on participants and delving on legal measures that can be adopted to curb this situation through the research. The article stresses the importance of appropriate regulations to allow citizens to avoid emotional damage not only during but also after contests. Research conducted on literature review and asks important questions including the long run problem uncontrolled shows might have on contestant’ physical and mental health.

Source #2

Walkerdine, Valerie. Daddy’s girl: Young girls and popular culture. Harvard University Press, 1998.

This thought-provoking article explores the societal perceptions of young girls in the lenes of popular culture. Through its analyzing media such as films, advertisements, popular music and television shows, the article examines cultural phenomena like young characters who represent the modern society values in glamorous sexualized images popularized daily by the media. In line with my argument, the article exposes the misleading image about young girls in society. The piece also addresses how, when it comes to young girls, class influences what images are seen acceptable or cute versus problematic or uncomfortable.

Source #3

Oppliger, Patrice A. Girls gone skank: The sexualization of girls in American culture. McFarland, 2008.

The prevailing cultural components that encourage early sexualization in the preadolescent population are critically examined in this study. It bolsters the claim by emphasizing how parental neglect is frequently shown through the physical absence of parents owing to demanding work schedules, material indulgence that exposes them to hypersexualized imagery, or the way in which young girls are marketed through various fashion media. This study explores the growing tendencies of mass-market sexualization directed towards younger girls through a variety of media, including early-life cosmetic procedures like labiaplasty procedures for females or fashion choices like revealing clothing options. The essay also emphasizes the multiple negative impacts that this exploitation is having on young girls and how socialization plays a part in imposing unfavorable ideals of beauty.

Source #4

Jeffreys, Sheila. Beauty and misogyny: Harmful cultural practices in the West. Routledge, 2014.

Jeffreys makes a strong case in this engaging book against harmful beauty standards that, while ostensibly promoting individual choice, support gender inequality in western cultures. She makes a strong case for why ideas like cosmetic surgery fall outside the purview of mutual contractual relationships and operate beyond endorsement by carefully examining how pornography contributed to the popularization of dangerous trends like breast implants and genital waxing. She also asserts that cosmetic surgery causes delayed deaths. The author examines how seemingly innocuous behaviors, including wearing makeup, have become worse for women’s health. She examines how the fashion industry has created worldly creatures that deviate from their natural forms, with a concentration on selling female figures.

Source #5

Giroux, Henry A., and Christopher G. Robbins. “Nymphet fantasies: Child beauty pageants and the politics of innocence.” Giroux Reader. Routledge, 2015. 125-146.

In line with my argument, this article focuses on child beauty pageants where the minors are taken for advantage of adults. The writer’s analysis of US culture is that these galas are a byproduct of collective evasion and constrained senses that assist them in flying under the radar. Furthermore, the industry courage has real child abuse as the teenagers are taught to show an adult sexuality at a young age as a way of reaching the billion-dollar industry. Child beauty pageants are a great source of problems as they have developed our society’s callousness to the innumerable harm these contests produce in the physical and psychological health of young children. Giroux and Robbins’ work serves as a tool to comprehend the deep-rooted cultural values about youth and girlhood that were apparent in these shocking accounts.


Eurica Pandit Chhetri


Source #1

Abrams, Zara. “How Can We Minimize Instagram’s Harmful Effects?”
Monitor on Psychology, American Psychological Association, 2 Dec. 2021, www.apa.org/monitor/2022/03/feature-minimize-instagram-effects.

Zara Abrams, in this article, explains the detrimental impacts of Instagram on mental health and self-esteem ranging from social anxiety, and body image issues to depression among users, especially young people. Abrams digs into the addictive nature of the platforms, their promotion of unrealistic beauty standards, and the negative impacts of seeking digital validation which are well-supported by various psychological research. She also explores potential strategies to mitigate the harmful effects of Instagram from personal and organizational levels. Abrams provides a comprehensive analysis of the negative consequences associated with Instagram use by incorporating research-based evidence which ass credibility to her claims. Her arguments helped me to clarify my claims in the third paragraph of my essay regarding the potential mental health issues Instagram poses to users and offered insights into understanding Instagram’s addictive nature.

Source #2

Dev, Neerej. “(PDF) Small Businesses and Marketing on Instagram.”
Small Businesses and Marketing on Instagram, 2 Feb. 2022, www.researchgate.net/publication/358615172_Small_Businesses_and_Marketing_on_Instagram.

This research by Neerej Dev, a professor at the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at JAIN, explores the utilization of Instagram as a marketing tool by small businesses and discusses the challenges faced by small businesses in utilizing the platform effectively. This research shows how marketing on Instagram could be extremely beneficial for the brands to excel however it also highlights the possible challenges related to reputation marketing, influencer marketing, and Instagram algorithmic changes which might hinder a brand’s growth. The conclusion from this research has helped me to point out the potential challenges faced by businesses on Instagram while doing content marketing in paragraph six of my argumentative essay. It provides powerful insights into how Instagram can be used for brand-building and boosting sales despite the obscurity that might come with it.

Source #3

Goldman, Author Bruce, et al. “Addictive Potential of Social Media, Explained.”
Scope, Logo Left ContentLogo Right Content Scope Stanford University School of Medicine blog, 2 Feb. 2024, scopeblog.stanford.edu/2021/10/29/addictive-potential-of-social-media-explained/.

Bruce Goldman, M.S., a senior science writer in the Stanford University School of Medicine’s office of communications, explains the underlying, mechanism of social media addiction in general based on Stanford psychiatrist Anna Lembke’s book, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence. The article explores how social media is the modern-day hypodermic needle, delivering digital dopamine for a wired generation and how upon signing off our brain gets into the dopamine-deficit state as it tries to adapt to the unnaturally high levels of dopamine social media just released. It also provides a solution to the addiction by incorporating timeouts. This article provides scientific insights behind social media (Instagram) addiction which assists me in persuading the audience regarding Instagram’s addiction on a psychological level in the second paragraph of my essay and how it is so hard to get out of this addiction.

Source #4

Hyken, Shep. “The Power of Instagram.”
Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 8 Nov. 2022, www.forbes.com/sites/shephyken/2022/10/09/the-power-of-instagram/?sh=6dd5b2f76c79.

This article, authored by Shep Hyken and published in Forbes Magazine, explores Instagram’s influential role in modern marketing and branding strategies. The case study included in the article shows the platform’s reach, engagement potential, and effectiveness in promoting products and services to a wide audience which helps to boost the business cost-effectively. This article helps me to emphasize how businesses can leverage Instagram’s power to enhance their brand presence, connect with customers, and drive growth in the fifth paragraph of my research paper. This article provides a counterargument to the idea that Instagram does more harm than good.

Source #5

Lorenz, Taylor. “Teens Are Being Bullied ‘constantly’ on Instagram.”
The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 10 Oct. 2018,

This article by Taylor Lorenz, published in The Atlantic, sheds light on the pervasive issue of cyberbullying among teenagers on the Instagram platform. Lorenz provides a detailed examination of the experiences of teens who face relentless bullying on Instagram, highlighting the psychological and emotional toll it takes on them. Drawing from interviews, case studies, and statistical data, the article offers insights into the various forms of cyberbullying prevalent on Instagram and the challenges faced by both victims and platforms in addressing this issue. This article is valuable in providing credibility to my arguments regarding online harassment users face on the platform which can be a portal of pain for them. The way Instagram makes it easy to circulate hate online with the help of anonymous profiles and group chats aids me in proving my point in the fourth paragraph of my paper on how this specific platform deteriorates the lives of individuals.

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