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Project Management

MGMT 6100-01

Fall Semester 2022

Final Project

Project Planning, Tracking, & Completion

Due Date

September 20, 2022 – 11:59 PM


300 (30% of overall course grade)

Aligns with Learning Objective:

· Identify the different stages of a project life cycle

· Assess the significance of different project risks

· Describe guidelines for estimating time, costs, and resources

· Understand the challenges of closing out a project

Required Submittal Format

Microsoft Word (.docx) or Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Minimum Word Count

800 words (not counting title page, references page; however, text within tables/charts/plans counts)

Contextual Information

For this final project, you can assume the position of a project manager over a project of your choice, so long as it meets certain criteria:

· The project requires multiple people involved

· The project requires at least 5 external resources (these can be physical resources such as rentals, sub-contracted work for specialized tasks, etc.)

· There is a time-bound requirement

· There is a cost limit

· There are at least 8 phases to the project, some of which must be finished in order for others to start (preceding tasks)

· There are clear acceptance criteria for client approval and project closure

Remember that you have a wide range of options here. You can oversee a construction/building project, a technology implementation project, a large event, etc.

This is designed to give you a great deal of flexibility. Feel free to use a current project you’re completing at work, or if you prefer, create a hypothetical scenario of your own choosing. Complexity is not the focus here; rather, the goal is to demonstrate your understanding of and proficiency with applying the project management concepts we’ve covered in the course.

If you have any questions as to whether your project meets the 6 criteria listed above, please reach out to your instructor.

Assignment Instructions

This project will contain several components; please read carefully as you
must include each one in order to obtain full credit.

Project Overview

· In at least 2 paragraphs, explain the following

· Project Purpose

Any contextual background required to understand the situation, constraints, etc.

Your role as project manager (Do you have a team? Are you an independent contractor? Etc.)

Scope Statement – (See pages 107, 109 for examples)

· Include a scope statement that provides clear details of the project, deliverables

· In at least 1 paragraph, explain any potential for scope creep and the measures you will take to prevent it

Work Breakdown Structure (see pages 144, 160 for examples)

· Demonstrate your allocation of project costs based on identified components or phases

· You do not have to use the same phases as listed in the examples; rather, create some that make sense to your projects. You can include items such as direct labor, equipment, supplies, subcontractor expenses, documentation/regulatory work, etc.

AON Network for the Project (see p. 181 for example)

· Must contain grid squares for each activity that lists

· Number of days

· Target start and end dates

· Must identify the critical path on the network

· Include 1 paragraph discussing if/when non-critical activities can be dropped

Resource Allocation Schedule by Phase (see p. 264 for example)

· A listing of all resources (human, equipment, etc.) required for each phase/activity during each week of the project in tabular format (this means make a table with columns/rows)

· Include 1-2 paragraphs providing details of the resources needed/listed

Progress & Performance Measurement

· Create a matrix or other means of ensuring tasks are on schedule and resources are available

· Include 1-2 paragraphs explaining how you would use this tool as the PM

Project Closure (see p. 544 for an example)

· Include a checklist or other tool that allows you to ensure you’ve met client requirements as listed in the scope statement, as well as retain comments for areas of improvement in the future

· Summary (At least 3 paragraphs)

· What do you think will be the most challenging parts of this project?

· How would you use automation to better manage the project?

· Are there any tools or steps not required in this assignment that you would find useful as a PM? If so, what are they?

Grading Rubric



Below Expectations

Approaching Expectations

Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Project Overview

Does not address the component

0 points

Notes only 1 of the required three components: purpose, role, contextual information

10 points

Notes only 2 of the required three components: purpose, role, contextual information

25 points

Notes all 3 of the required three components: purpose, role, contextual information

40 points

Scope Statement

Contains fewer than four of the required components

0 points

4-5 of the required components are included and addressed

10 points

6-7 of the required components are included and addressed

25 points

All 8 components are included and addressed –

40 points

Work Breakdown Structure

Does not address the component

0 points

Fails to either identify project phases and/or demonstrate allocation of project costs

10 points

Vague identification of project phases, and/or unclear allocation of project cost

25 points

Clearly identifies distinct project phases or components, as well as a clear allocation of cost among the phases.

40 points

AON Network

Contains none of the required components

0 points

Complete network contains 1 of the following required components: number of days, start date, end date

10 points

Complete network contains 2 of the following required components: number of days, start date, end date

25 points

Complete network contains all 3 of the following required components: number of days, start date, end date

40 points

Resource Allocation Schedule

Does not address this component

0 points

Includes a list of resources, but excludes both weeks and phases when used

10 points

Includes a list of resources, but excludes either weeks or phases when used

25 points

Includes an expansive list of all resources required, listed by phase/component, noting the weeks when used

40 points

Progress & Performance Measurement

Does not address this component

0 points

Includes 1 of the following: Schedule tracking, Resource availability/usage tracking, explanatory paragraph

10 points

Includes 2 of the following: Schedule tracking, Resource availability/usage tracking, explanatory paragraph

25 points

Includes all 3 of the following: Schedule tracking, Resource availability/usage tracking, explanatory paragraph

40 points

Project Closure

Includes fewer than two of the required components

0 points

Includes 2 of the following components: checklist or organizer, identification of most difficult area, use of automation to improve, and additional tools or steps

10 points

Includes 3 of the following components: checklist or organizer, identification of most difficult area, use of automation to improve, and additional tools or steps

25 points

Includes the following 4 components: checklist or organizer, identification of most difficult area, use of automation to improve, and additional tools or steps

40 points

Grammar, Organization, & Presentation

Organization, design, and grammar / usage issues are overwhelming and make the submission nearly incomprehensible

0 points

Submission is poorly organized and designed with minimal thought, and/or may contain an abundance of grammar / usage errors

5 points

Submission is mostly organized and designed with some thought, and/or may contain several grammar / usage errors

10 points

Submission is well organized, designed thoughtfully, and contains few or no grammar / usage errors

20 points


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