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Hide Assignment InformationInstructionsIn this project, you will develop a detailed comparative analysis of cloud vendors and their services. A comparative analysis provides an item-by-item comparison

Hide Assignment InformationInstructionsIn this project, you will develop a detailed comparative analysis of cloud vendors and their services. A comparative analysis provides an item-by-item comparison of two or more alternatives, processes, products, or systems. In this case, you will compare the pros/cons of the cloud service providers in terms of security, ease of use, service models, services/tools they provide, pricing, technical support, cloud service providers' infrastructure, and architecture model.

You will present your findings to the owner of the company in a narrated PowerPoint presentation with 10 to 20 slides. Use the Cloud Presentation Template.

This resource can help you prepare and record your presentation: Presentation Resources.

Presentation Guidelines

Your presentation should be comprised of the following:

  • One to two slides on the company profile.
  • One to two slides on what the company is struggling with.
  • One to two slides on current infrastructure.
  • Three to six slides on the top three cloud services providers. Include their service models (i.e., SaaS, PaaS, IaaS), services/tools/solutions (i.e., compute, storage, database, developer tools, analytics tools, networking and content delivery, customer engagement), pricing, accessibility, technical support for companies, global infrastructure.
  • One to two slides on a recommended cloud service provider based on the comparative analysis and the cloud vendor's abilities to meet the service needs of the company.
  • One slide on the conclusion.
  • One slide with your references.
  • All slides must be narrated by you, the student.

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