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The global response to the HIV/AIDS crisis highlighted disparities between developed countries in the West and developing countries in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. While many Americans believe that the crisis is behind us, there are 38 million people living with HIV, and in 2021, 500,000 AIDS-related deaths are expected in Sub-Saharan Africa. While new infections have dropped by 38% in Africa, they have dramatically increased in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East, North America, and Latin America.

In a 1,250 word essay, analyze the political, economic, and social causes of differences in response to the AIDS Crisis. Why did it take so long to provide education and treatment options in less-developed parts of the world? What factors hampered the response even in developed countries? Has progress been made, and, if so, why?

Using at least 
seven of the documents below and 
two additional high-quality secondary sources and 
two additional primary sources related to the global response to the AIDS epidemic, summarize the historical context, and your conclusion regarding how governments and other organizations responded to the epidemic.  
Your essay must include at least one reference to each of seven of the sources provided, but please note that “at least one” does not mean “only one.” If you do not understand the distinction between primary and secondary sources, please ask your instructor or one of the U.C. reference librarians.  Historians typically use Chicago Manuel of Style, but I will accept other styles such as MLA or APA, just don’t plagiarize. The essay is worth 100 points. 

Secondary Sources

Aruldas, V., Kumar, S., Bhat, R., Saha, S., Ravichandran, N., Ahmed, S., Khan, A., & Bakshi, R. C. (2004). South Africa and the AIDS Epidemic. 
Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers
29(3), 135–151.

Arvind Singhal, & Steve Howard. (2003). 
The Children of Africa Confront AIDS : From Vulnerability to Possibility. Ohio University Press. 

Biehl, J. G. (2004). The activist state: Global pharmaceuticals, AIDS, and citizenship in Brazil. 
Social Text, 
22(3), 105. Retrieved from

Chan-Tiberghien, J. (2015). 
Politics in the corridor of dying: AIDS activism and global health governance. Retrieved from

Crane, J. T. (2013). 
Scrambling for Africa: AIDS, expertise, and the rise of American global health science. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. doi:

Dehesa, R. D. (2017). NGOs, Governmentality, and the Brazilian Response to AIDS: A Multistranded Genealogy of the Current Crisis. 
Feminist Studies, 
43(2), 262. doi:10.15767/feministstudies.43.2.0262

Eves, R., & Butt, L. (2008). 
Making Sense of AIDS: Culture, Sexuality, and Power in Melanesia. Retrieved from

Fassin, D., & Jacobs, A. (2008). 
When bodies remember: Experiences and politics of AIDS in South Africa. Retrieved from

Fournier, A. M., & Herlihy, D. (2006). 
The Zombie Curse : A Doctor’s 25-year Journey Into the Heart of the AIDS Epidemic in Haiti. Joseph Henry Press.

Iliffe, J. (2013). 
The African AIDS epidemic: A history. Retrieved from

Lavadenz, F., Pantanali, C., & Zeballos, E. (2015). 
Thirty years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Argentina: An assessment of the national health response. Retrieved from

Lisk, F. (2011). 
Global institutions and the HIV/Aids epidemic: Responding to an international crisis. Retrieved from

Merson, M. H. (2006). The HIV–AIDS Pandemic at 25 — The Global Response. 
New England Journal of Medicine, 
354(23), 2414-2417. doi:10.1056/nejmp068074

Narain, J. P. (2004). 
AIDS in Asia: The challenge continues. Retrieved from

Pan American Health Organization. (2017). 
HIV Prevention in the SPOTLIGHT: An Analysis From the Perspective of the Health Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2017. Retrieved from

Parker, R. (2002). The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic, Structural Inequalities, and the Politics of International Health. 
American Journal of Public Health, 
92(3), 343-347. doi:10.2105/ajph.92.3.343

Piot, P., & Quinn, T. C. (2013). Global Health: Response to the AIDS Pandemic — A Global Health Model. 
New England Journal of Medicine, 
369(12), 1180-1180. doi:10.1056/nejmx130040

Scheepers, E. (2013). The Framework Convention on Global Health: A tool for empowering the HIV/AIDS movements in Senegal and South Africa. 
Health & Human Rights: An International Journal, 
15(1), 87-95. Retrieved from

Schwartländer, B., Grubb, I., & Perriëns, J. (2006). The 10-year struggle to provide antiretroviral treatment to people with HIV in the developing world. 
The Lancet, 
368(9534), 541-546. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(06)69164-2

Smith, R. A. (2013). 
Global HIV/AIDS activism, politics, and policy: Persistent challenges and emerging issues. Retrieved from

Sub-Saharan Africa: Reversing Widespread Hiv/Aids Epidemics. (2003). 
Foreign Affairs
82(3), 7–11. 

Taylor, A. L. (1994). Women’s health at a crossroad: Global responses to HIV/AIDS. 
Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine, 
4(2), 28. Retrieved from

UNAIDS. (2021, March 25). 
Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 — End Inequalities. End AIDS. (Rep.). Retrieved

Waal, A. D. (2013). 
AIDS and Power: Why There Is No Political Crisis – Yet. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2021). Why the HIV epidemic is not over. Retrieved from

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