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hongkong film



Professor Géraldine Fiss


2024 May 06

Clash of Cultures: Tradition vs. Westernization in Once Upon a Time in China (1991)

Word Count: 798


The 1990s Hong Kong culture is one that “[moves] too fast,” where the culture space

disappears quickly after it appears, rendering it to “always [be] on the verge of disappearing”

(Abbas 67). The disappearing culture of Hong Kong was primarily caused by increasing

westernization, which rendered the political and cultural settings uncertain and impermanent.

The disappearance of culture consequently leads to profound identity struggles for individuals

residing in regions affected by colonialism, as the cultural landscape continually shifts around

them. Tsui Hark masterfully explores and expands upon this concept in his film Once Upon a

Time in China (1991). In the movie, Hark continuously employs the motif of cultural conflict to

illuminate the struggle of Chinese locals to maintain their traditional identity in the face of

Westernization–an idea that is evident in the consistent way of responding to Western influence

of characters in the movie, ranging from the protagonist to supporting side characters.

From the beginning, the clash between traditional Chinese culture and pervasive Western

influence already occurs, as a vivid dragon dance performance is interrupted by gunfire from

Westerners. Protagonist Wong Fei Hung leaps into action, catching the falling dragon. With his

martial arts skills, he intensifies the dance, making it even more captivating and dynamic (Once

Upon a Time in China 2:20-4:00). The movie introduces the cultural conflict motif right from the

start with a powerful image: a traditional Chinese dragon shot down by Westerners’ firearms.

Wong’s response symbolizes the deep pride and respect he has for his culture and identity, as

signaled by the camera’s close-up footage capturing his fierce emotion as he passionately

continues the dance. Despite the threat of Western colonialism in his hometown, Wong

understands the need to avoid provoking them in any physical way. Instead, he chooses to defy

through the act of catching the falling dragon and continuing the dance. The fierce emotion


reflected on Wong’s face together with the drums playing intensely in the background signify

Wong’s unwavering pride and refusal to let his culture succumb to Western influence.

Building upon the motif of cultural conflict established in the opening scene, Hark shifts

the narrative spotlight from the protagonist to the local residents, seeking to underscore the

similarity in the characters’ responses to Western influence. As the music from traditional

Chinese instruments fills the air, it is interrupted by the “Hallelujah” chants of Jesuit

missionaries. Amidst the clash, a player announces “Here they come,” prompting the Chinese

musicians to play even more passionately (Once Upon a Time in China 8:50-9:50). The conflict

between the Jesuits and the instrument players is also reflective of the Chinese locals’

determination to not succumb to pervasive western domination. Despite acknowledging and

respecting the mission of the Jesuits, the instrument players assert themselves by coming

together and playing even better than before. Hark’s utilization of sound as a symbol of cultural

conflict highlights how the locals’ defiance comes in different forms, be it physical actions,

verbal articulation, or even the resonance of music.

The recurring motif of traditional Chinese culture clashing with Western influence

reflects the profound struggle experienced by individuals in colonized regions, as they “cope

with change and possible loss of identity” (Williams 128). The depicted era in the movie

epitomizes a period of profound uncertainty. For instance, the people of Hong Kong had their

city “colonized by the British […] occupied by the Japanese […] and swelled by […] refugees

from communist China” (Abbas 67). Similar to Hong Kong residents, people from areas that are

subject to colonialism, are naturally overwhelmed with the constant changes that are occurring


around them. Through the recurring motif of cultural conflict in the movie, Hark urges people to

continue to uphold their pride in their culture and identity. More specifically, in the face of the

ever-changing culture space around them, individuals should assert their cultural pride and

identity confidently. Nevertheless, to protect themselves from colonizers’ aggression, people also

need to be wise in how they react and respond. These ideas are exemplified in the consistent way

everyone–from the protagonist to side characters–responds to Western influences in the movie.

In Once Upon a Time in China, Hark explores the struggle to preserve traditional Chinese

identity amidst pervasive Western influence. Through the repeating motif of cultural conflicts,

the film urges residents of regions under colonialism to remain proud of their culture and to not

lose their identities to Westernization. Moreover, as seen through the scene of the dragon dance

performance and the instrument players being interrupted by missionaries, Hark also advises the

people to be sensible in their responses to Western influence in order to not put themselves at any

risk. Therefore, the movie stands not only as a captivating cinematic experience but also as a

counsel on preserving cultural identity in the face of colonization.


Works Cited

Abbas, Ackbar. “The New Hong Kong Cinema and the ‘Déjà Disparu.’” Discourse, vol. 16, no.

3, 1994, pp. 65–77. JSTOR, Accessed 6 May 2024.

Hark, Tsui, director. Once Upon a Time in China. Orange Sky Golden Harvest, 1991,

Williams, Tony. “Under ‘Western eyes’: The Personal Odyssey of Huang Fei-Hong in once upon

a time in China.” Cinema Journal, vol. 40, no. 1, Sept. 2000, pp. 3–24,

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