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My whole practicum is public health, so just talk about how the issues are health issues for children. it is obesity in kids — there are tons of statistics and information about that in CDC and other scholarly sources. Maybe you will be addressing drugs or nutrition etc — do the research and find the information from CDC or other sources to help explain why these are issues.


Practicum Presentation Outline[WLOs: 1, 2] [CLOs: 1, 3, 4, 5]

In each of the practicum courses, you are given two opportunities to receive feedback on your practicum presentation outline. Take this opportunity to seek feedback from your instructor. Ensure that your practicum and presentation clearly align to public health/population health and do not simply focus on the site where your practicum is taking place.

 | Prepare

In your presentation,

  • Use the provided presentation template.
    • Using the provided Practicum Presentation Template Download Practicum Presentation Templateand the Hepatitis A Practicum Exemplar Download https://uagc.instructure.com/courses/136024/files/22071798/?wrap=1Hepatitis A Practicum Exemplar, develop your Practicum Presentation Outline. The Practicum Presentation Outline must have a minimum of 13–15 PowerPoint slides that take at least 15 minutes but not more than 30 minutes to present.
  • Demonstrate clear connections between the practicum and public health.
  • Align the CEPH competencies to practicum work.

Each practicum is at a different point in terms of knowledge acquired, hours logged, and goals achieved. The expectation is that as your hours progress to 90 hours, the quality of your presentation will improve until your presentation is deemed appropriate for your live presentation with your MPH faculty advisor and the MPH full time faculty.

 | Present

For this assignment, you will develop a presentation outline encompassing the following sections:

  • Title slide
  • Background of health issue
  • Background of health issue as it relates to your practicum site
  • Your activities for the practicum experience
  • Evaluations
  • Reflections
  • CEPH competencies
  • Reference slide

Title slide

  • Title of presentation
  • Your name
  • Course name
  • Instructor’s name
  • Today’s date

Background of health issue

This section should have two slides and approximately be 2 to 4 minutes in length. You will:

  • Provide a background for the health issue being addressed during your practicum.
  • Make very clear connections between your topic and how it connects to public health/population health.
  • Explain why this issue exists (water purification, Zika virus containment, needle exchange, etc.) and its impact on the U.S. population, i.e., number of people affected, symptoms, outcomes, and so forth.
  • Support your discussion with four or more scholarly sources and any data from the CDC, NIH, HHS, etc. APA formatting rules apply for all in-text citations.
  • This will require you to use information from your state health department, local public health office, etc., in addition to federal government agency data.
  • You must also demonstrate that you have accessed the University of Arizona Global Campus Library for at least two of your sources.
  • Explain why this issue is important to you specifically (e.g. you live in a community affected by this issue, a family member has been directly affected by the issue, etc.).
  • Provide citations for any data sources included in your explanation. APA formatting rules apply for all in-text citations.

Background of health issue as it relates to your practicum site

This section should have two slides and be approximately 2 to 4 minutes in length. You will:

  • Provide a background of why this issue is relevant to your chosen site. Specifically, address the following:
    • Discuss why this topic was important to your chosen site.
    • Discuss any previous actions that addressed this issue (community outreach, etc.).
    • Evaluate the success of those prior initiatives/implementations.
    • Explain why this site continues to focus on this issue (e.g. if they were successful, why are they continuing to focus on it, or if they were not successful, what changed to increase the likelihood of success).
  • If this is a new program/initiative,
    • Discuss why the site chose this particular program/initiative to address the issue.

Your activities for the practicum experience

This section should have five to ten slides and be approximately 5 to 10 minutes in length. You will:

  • Explain your role within your chosen site and how you participated in the program/initiative to address the key issue.
  • What was your title within the organization? PUBLIC HEALTH EDUCATOR INTERN
  • Were you a volunteer or paid staff? REQUIRED TO DO PRACTICUM WITHOUT PAID
  • Did you provide oversight for anyone’s actions beyond your own?
    • If yes, who?
    • If no, why not?
  • What role did you play in meetings and/or presentations regarding the program/initiative?
    • Were you an active participant? If so, how?
    • If you were not active, why not?
  • Were you involved in the planning/design of the program/initiative?
    • Were you an active participant? If so, how?
    • If you were not active, why not?
  • Were you involved in the implementation of the program/initiative?
    • Were you an active participant? If so, how?
    • If you were not active, why not?
  • Were you involved in the assessment of the program/initiative?
    • Were you an active participant? If so, how?
    • If you were not active, why not?
  • Did you assist in the development of reports related to the program/initiative?
    • Were you an active participant? If so, how?
    • If you were not active, why not?

Evaluations- it too early because I just started my practicum since August 19th

This section should have three to five slides and be approximately 3 to 5 minutes in length. You will:

  • Evaluate the program/initiative based on the information from the previous slides in this presentation.
    • Was it a success? Why or why not?
    • If it was a success, provide one recommendation to ensure its continued success.
    • If it was not a success, provide one change you would have made to the program. Why would that change have contributed to its success?
    • If the program/initiative has not yet been implemented, provide one recommendation/change to the design that would ensure its success once it is implemented.
  • Evaluate your role within the organization and how you impacted the program/initiative regarding the key issue.
    • Do you feel your involvement played a role in the program/initiatives success? (Assess your involvement in the program, not the program itself).

Reflections- it too early for the answer.

This section should have three to four slides and be approximately 3 to 4 minutes in length. You will:

  • Explain how your practicum influenced or changed your opinion regarding the health issue.
    • Provide specific examples.
  • Explain how your practicum influenced or changed your opinion regarding public health in general (including any potential career endeavors).
    • Explain what you have learned from this process.
    • Based on your practicum experience and your role within your site, what skills do you believe would most attractive to potential employers in similar public health agencies?

CEPH competencies

This section should have one to two slides and be approximately 2 to 4 minutes in length. You will:

  • Explain how you achieved the four CEPH competencies listed in your signed Practicum Proposal Form.

Reference slide

This section will not be narrated but only presented.

  • This slide must adhere to APA formatting rules for all in-text citations and references (see the Writing Center for assistance).
  • All references listed on this slide MUST have corresponding in-text citations.
  • All in-text citations MUST have corresponding references listed on this slide.

 | Requirements

The Practicum Presentation Outline assignment

  • must be at least 13 slides in length (not including title and references slides and formatted according to APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined in the Writing Center’s How to Make a PowerPoint PresentationLinks to an external site. resource.
  • must include a separate title slide in line with the template provided:
    • title of practicum in bold font
      • Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.
    • student’s name
    • name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
    • course name and number
    • instructor’s name
    • due date
  • must utilize academic voice. See the Academic VoiceLinks to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
  • must use at least eight credible sources in addition to the course text.
    • The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
    • To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Quick and Easy Library ResearchLinks to an external site. tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.
  • must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your PaperLinks to an external site. guide. 
  • must include a separate references slide that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References ListLinks to an external site. resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading RubricLinks to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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