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https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/08dz27jvxkocib8igss01/resumecoverletterPARCsummary.pdf?rlkey=fydxc96yzqe0u16olbc8300h1&dl=0 Summary of assignment • Task: You will follow the guidelines given thro


Summary of assignment • Task: You will follow the guidelines given through the various tools from UMGC’s Career Services and write a polished resume for a specific job posting in your field. You will also write a summary of how you applied the PARC (proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast) principles in your resume. • Length: For the resume, there is no minimum or maximum word count. You will follow the advice from Career Services on the length of your resume. Your summary, complete with screen captures, of how you applied the PARC principles should be 150-250 words. • How to Submit your Documents: Please submit this assignment in one document. Your document should include the following items in the following order: o Job posting and description (this should be copied and pasted from the source that contained the job posting and description) o Your cover letter o Your resume o Your summary of how you applied PARC Again, these should not be submitted as multiple documents. They should be submitted as one document. Please continue to the next page. Steps to Take in Completing this Assignment • Locate a job posting in your field. Helpful resources in finding a job posting include the following UMGC Career Services pages: o Job Search Websites. o Federal Job Search page • Submit the following to the Assignment folder in one document: o the job posting copied and pasted from the website. Copying and pasting the job posting will make sure your instructor sees the posting even if the link to the posting expires. o the cover letter o the resume o a summary, complete with screen captures, of how you applied the PARC principles in the resume. This summary should be 150-250 words. In your screen captures, follow these guidelines: For proximity, show at least three areas of the resume that demonstrate this concept. For alignment, show at least two areas of the resume that demonstrate this concept. For repetition, show at least three areas of the resume that demonstrate this concept. For contrast, show at least three areas of the resume that demonstrate this concept. Due Date: Your instructor will notify you of the due date. You will write a first draft, your instructor will comment on the first draft and post a grade to the first draft. The highest grade you can get on this assignment if you post only one draft is 89.5%. You can submit a second draft using the professor’s comments as your guide. Submitting a second draft gives you the opportunity to earn the remaining 10.5% of the grade. Sample of how to present the PARC analysis The following screen capture shows a sample of a student’s explanation of how the PARC principles were applied in her resume. In this sample, some sections of the analysis have been blurred out.

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