As you read through the first chapters this week, we find that the Egyptians and Greeks had different goals for their works. Of the many Greek insights — the freedom to represent more what the artist saw versus what they should see, religious statues decorated with gold and precious stones, the focus on the ideal body, or the distinction of classical orders in architecture, among others — what do you see as the most path-breaking and exciting? As we walk along and drive through our cities today, we are reminded of the Greek goals and works. Why do you think the influence of Greek art persevered over time?
Instructions below: Sacks, & Peca, E. (2020). Confronting the culture of care: A call to end disrespect, discrimination, and detainment of women and newborns in health facilities everywhereLinks to an external site.. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 20(1), 249–249. B. Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):