Week 3 Overview
Study Guide
Message Welcome to Module 3 of Talent Leadership! By now you should have reviewed the
course Syllabus and the Welcome Message Announcement. If you have any
questions, please use the contact information in the Syllabus to contact your
Reminders Viewing Lecture Materials:
● To view the video lectures for your course, click on Media Gallery in the left
side Course Navigation menu.
● To download the lectures in PDF file format (if available for each lecture),
click on Download Lectures in PDF File Format in the Introduction Module.
Due Dates ● Discussion Board 3
○ Your initial post is due by 11:59 PM ET on Saturday of Week 3.
○ Your replies are due by 11:59 PM ET on Monday of Week 3.
● Case Study 1 is due by 11:59 PM ET on Monday of Week 3.
● Assignment 7 is due by 11:59 PM ET on Monday of Week 3.
● Assignment 8 is due by 11:59 PM ET on Monday of Week 3.
● Demonstrate mastery of issues related to high-potential employee programs
● Differentiate between the concepts of diversity, equity, and inclusion
● Evaluate the business case for diversity, equity and inclusion
Case Study 1
1. Read “Talent Leadership Case Study One Reading” (PDF found in this week’s Module) and
answer the following four questions with explanations of 2-3 sentences each:
a. Is the company using any of the techniques discussed in Lectures Two and Three to
identify high-potential employees?
b. Is the company using any of the techniques discussed in Lecture Four to identify
high-potential employees?.
c. Is the company using any of the techniques discussed in Lecture Five to develop
high-potential employees?
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d. Is the company doing a good job of managing relationships between high-potential
employees and the rest of the workforce, a topic that is discussed in Lecture Six?
Complete Case Study 1 and submit it to Case Study 1, listed on the Modules and Assignments
pages, as either a file attachment (docx,PDF), or a text entry. If using text entry for the above
assignment, It is strongly recommended that you type the assignment in Microsoft Word or
Google Docs first and save it to your computer, then copy/paste the text over into the
Lesson 1
1. View Lecture 07, “What is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?” located in the Media Gallery.
2. Read Talent Leadership Reading 7, “What are Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)?,”
(PDF found in this week’s Module).
3. Watch the following videos using the provided links:
a. What is DEI, or Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?
b. The Difference between Diversity, Inclusion and Equity
c. Apple – Inclusion & Diversity
4. Complete and submit Assignment 7. Assignment 7 is as follows: Search the Internet for “United
Kingdom Diversity Equity Inclusion.” Answer these questions:
a. What is the most common name for DEI in the United Kingdom? (Hint: It is not Diversity,
Equity, and Inclusion.) Include the URL’s of your Internet sources.
b. Does it have the same meaning in the United Kingdom as DEI in the United States?
Explain your answer with 2-4 sentences.
Complete Assignment 7 and submit it to Assignment 7, listed on the Modules and Assignments
pages, as either a file attachment (docx,PDF), or a text entry. If using text entry for the above
assignment, It is strongly recommended that you type the assignment in Microsoft Word or
Google Docs first and save it to your computer, then copy/paste the text over into the
5. Create your initial post on Discussion Board 3 in response to the following:
a. Do you think you would enjoy working as a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Specialist?
(Before you answer this question, search the Internet for “diversity equity inclusion
specialist job description.”
After posting, return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose at
least one classmate and create a post responding to their initial post on the Discussion Board.
Note: Participate on at least two different days – if your post and response(s) are all on the same
day, you will lose half a point.
Lesson 2
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1. View Lecture 08, “The Business Case for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion?” located in the Media
2. Read Talent Leadership Reading 8, “The Business Case for Diversity,” (PDF found in this week’s
3. Watch the following videos using the provided links:
a. The Social and Business Cases for Workplace Diversity
b. The Business Case for Diversity & Inclusion
c. Diverse Perspectives at Amazon
4. Complete and submit Assignment 8. Assignment 8 is as follows: Search the Internet for
“Diversity Equity Inclusion Coca-Cola.” Click on the first link which should take you to a website
entitled “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | The Coca-Cola Company.” Of the four arguments for
the business case for diversity that are discussed on slides 4-7 of lecture 8, which two are related
to the information that is shown on this website? Explain each answer with 2-4 sentences.
Complete Assignment 8 and submit it to Assignment 8, listed on the Modules and Assignments
pages, as either a file attachment (docx,PDF), or a text entry. If using text entry for the above
assignment, It is strongly recommended that you type the assignment in Microsoft Word or
Google Docs first and save it to your computer, then copy/paste the text over into the
Rowan Online | Rowan Global Learning & Partnerships | Weekly Overview | Version 4.1, 2015 3
- Week 3 Overview
- Study Guide
- Objectives
- Instructions
- Case Study 1
- Lesson 1
- Lesson 2