Paraphrasing Main Points – Instructions
Your first task for this Assignment is to determine what two main points stand out from the peer-reviewed article you read.
What Is a Main Point?
A main point:
· Involves original research or conclusions by the authors of the article
· Expresses the results of the study that was conducted
· Answers the question, “What is the article about?”
What Is
Not Considered a Main Point?
A main point is
· The research question itself
· An excerpt from the Literature Review or Background sections
· A specific detail about the study’s methods
Where Are the Main Points Located?
The main points can usually be found in the Results/Findings and Discussion sections of an article rather than the preliminary sections. The Results/Findings and Discussion sections convey the outcome of the study and what conclusions the authors drew from the study. The research problem and purpose (sometimes included in a Problem Statement section) also reveal important information about the study.
Tip: If existing citations show up in the material you are quoting, you have chosen information from other
authors rather than your article’s authors. Instead, select quotes that are more representative of the article you read.
Paraphrasing – Template
Type directly into the sections below, save the document, and submit the document as your Assignment.
APA Reference for Your Article
Include an APA-formatted reference for your selected article in this spot.
Main Point 1
Copy and paste the first main point here. The main point should be at least 3–4 sentences so you have enough material to develop your paraphrase. Be sure to enclose the passage in quotation marks to indicate that these words are not your own.
Paraphrase 1
Write your paraphrase of Main Point 1 here. Follow the strategies and review the examples in the Learning Resources to ensure you do not accidentally plagiarize. It can be helpful to write a paraphrase that is slightly shorter than the original material; that way, you do not end up keeping the same sentence structure. Remember that you need to use both your own words and your own sentence structure when restating the idea. Include APA citations in your paraphrase.
Main Point 2
Copy and paste the second main point here. The main point should be at least 3–4 sentences so you have enough material to develop your paraphrase. Be sure to enclose the passage in quotation marks to indicate that these words are not your own.
Paraphrase 2
Write your paraphrase of Main Point 2 here. Follow the strategies and review the examples in the Learning Resources to ensure you do not accidentally plagiarize. It can be helpful to write a paraphrase that is slightly shorter than the original material; that way, you do not end up keeping the same sentence structure. Remember that you need to use both your own words and your own sentence structure when restating the idea. Include APA citations in your paraphrase.
In this section, explain why you selected the paragraphs as main points. How do these paragraphs represent important information from the article? Also describe your process of paraphrasing. How did you avoid accidental plagiarism?