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Human Resource Management WEEK 6 ASSIGN HOMEWORK


HRA 549 Expectations for Written Assignments and Papers

1. FORMAT of assignments should conform to the following criteria:

 Margins should be 1” in all directions

 Papers should be double-spaced and in a single highly readable, black 12-point font (Arial,
Times New Roman, Cambria, or Verdana are recommended). Headings may be larger

 The paper must follow the academic research format (APA) where applicable

 Format for any in-text citations and reference pages should also follow APA style



Exceeds Expectations

up to

20% of max grade


up to

15% of max grade

Fails Expectations

up to

10% of max grade


Position or thesis is
very credible, logical,
research sources are
credible and sufficient
to support arguments

Position or thesis is
credible, sources
are credible

Position or thesis lacks
credibility, arguments are
not clear or not well
supported, sources are
not credible or do not
support arguments

Clarity and

Concepts presented are
clearly organized and
easy to understand,
early information leads
to later information,
coherently summarized

Concepts presented
are not organized
logically, no
coherent summary

Concepts presented are
unclear or difficult to
understand, paper is
disorganized and does not
follow logical progression

Creativity and

Presents new ideas
and/or old ideas in
interesting ways, writing
style is formal but
maintains interest,
includes real-world

Presents widely
accepted ideas or
discusses topics
that are already well
known without much
attention to original
content or reader

Presents ideas that are
clichéd or imitative, does
not make topic interesting
for reader


Clearly identifies
assumptions, considers
all implications and
consequences of
outcomes, and includes
more than one point of
view on the topic

Treats some
assumptions as fact,
and/or considers
some implications
but not others,
and/or does not fully
consider point of

Fails to identify
assumptions, and/or does
not consider implications
of outcomes, and/or is
fixed on a single point of
view without any opposing



Grammar is
appropriate, spelling,
punctuation, and
formatting accurate

Grammar is
appropriate, few
punctuation, or
formatting errors

Grammar, spelling,
punctuation, and/or
formatting are
inappropriate, incorrect,
and unprofessional

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