APA – 5 pages |
Required text book Rothman, J. C. (2011). From the front lines: Student cases in social work ethics. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. The purpose of this assignment is your you to carefully think about and write about the ethical considerations of a specific case (or cases), as well as to put yourself in the position of a social worker/counselor providing direct services to the clients/families in the case. This assignment requires you to pull from your previous readings in our class so far (including textbook and the NASW Code of Ethics). I am also requiring a choice of one additional reading on Process Recording in Social Work. (Attached). Part 1: Getting Started 1. Select a case from your casebook. (OK if you wish to select more than 1 case). 2. Select and carefully read 3. Please answer these questions: a. What case did you select and why? [1-2 paragraphs] b. Summarize in your own words what the case is about. [1/2-1page] c. What is an example of an ethical dilemma you are able to identify in the case? (in your own words, please be specific.) [1/2-1 page] d. What feelings/reactions/questions came up for you after you read and thought about the case? [1/2 page] Part 2: Imagine you are the social worker/counselor assigned to the case, a. Where would you start? [1-2 paragraphs] b. Please identify
c. Read Process Recording article. d. Create a version of a Process Recording where you write down (word-for-word, as in a script) everything that happened in a session with the clients/family in the case. You also need to include our gut reactions and questions. (Please refer to the Process Recording article you selected) [1-2 pages]
This requires some creativity and imagination on your part. Think of the cases in the book as a jumping off point and then you create a script/process recording.
Part 3: Wrapping it up [1/2 page] a. What did you learn from this assignment? b. What remaining questions do you have? c. What else would you wish to add?
Attachments |
National Association of Social Worker’s Code of Ethics (
http://www.social workers.org/pubs/code/code.asp).