MAE 214 – Spring 2025
Homework #2
Due: February 24th, 2025 by 11:59 p.m. via Canvas
Instructions: You must submit all part files (SLDPRT format) via Canvas.
Submit all your homework files as a single file by compressing them into a ZIP file
Problem 1: Make a part in SolidWorks from the given drawing sheet below. All dimensions are in inches.
All sketches used to create the part must be fully defined. (25 points) Hint: Remember to start and/or
dimension your sketches from the origin of the sketch plane to make them easier to fully define.
Note: The Part file must be named using the following naming convention:
Problem 2: Make a SolidWorks part model from the given figure below. All dimensions are in millimeters.
You must use the “Circular Pattern” feature to drill the four exterior holes shown in the figure. All sketches
used to create the part must be fully defined. (25 points) Hint: Remember to start and/or dimension your
sketches from the origin of the sketch plane to make them easier to fully define.
Note: The Part file must be named using the following naming convention:
Problem 3: Make a SolidWorks part model for the given figure below. All dimensions are in inches. All
holes are through unless otherwise stated. All sketches used to create the part must be fully defined.
(25 points)
The round edges on the base of the part should be created using the fillet feature. The inclined portion of
the part should be completed by applying an inclined plane and then creating an extrusion using the
extrude feature and up to surface option only. Note: Up to surface is one of the options available in
extruded boss-base feature. Hint: Remember to start and/or dimension your sketches from the origin of
the plane to make them easier to fully define.
Note: The Part file must be named using the following naming convention:
Problem 4: (25 Points)
Problem 4(a): Make a SolidWorks part from the given drawing sheet below. All sketches used to create
the part must be fully defined. All dimensions are in inches.
Problem 4(b): Make a drawing sheet of the same part which you have created for Problem 4(a) and
include all necessary dimensions as shown.
Remember this problem requires you to create two different files: a Part file and a Drawing Sheet file.
Note: The name of part file and drawing sheet MUST be same. See example below.
Grading Rubric