please review the info below
Write a program named that allows you to set up checking accounts and loan accounts. This file should include 3 classes: Customer, CheckingAccount, LoanAccount. The CheckingAccount and LoanAccount classes inherit from the Customer class. Create an ArrayList of 5 Checking Account customers and an ArrayList of 5 Loan Account customers. The program should be set up in a loop with the following menu options: Extra Credit: Have options to add and delete customers. |
Customer Class |
Variable Names |
Variable Description |
String FName, LName |
Customer’s first and last name. |
String Email |
Customer’s e-mail address. |
int CustomerTransactions |
The total number of transactions (deposits and withdrawals) made by the customer. |
static double BankBalance |
The bank’s total balance (static). You should change this variable when customers make deposits, withdrawals, take loans, and make loan payments. |
static int NumberCustomers |
The total number of customers at the bank (static). Increment this variable in the CheckAccount and LoanAccount constructors. |
CheckingAccount Class |
Variable Names |
Variable Description |
private double CheckingBalance |
The customer’s checking account balance. |
Methods Names |
Methods Description |
CheckingAccount(String theLName, String theFName, String theEmail, double OpeningDeposit) |
The constructor should (1) initialize the name and email variables, (2) set CheckingBalance to OpeningDeposit, (3) add the OpeningDeposit to the BankBalance, (5) increment NumberCustomers. |
getCheckingBalance() |
The Get method is needed since CheckingBalance is Private. |
Deposit(Amount) |
Deposit money into the customer’s account (include the amount as a parameter). Remember to increment CustomerTransactions and add Amount to BankBalance. |
Withdraw(Amount) |
Withdraw money from the customer’s account (include the amount as a parameter). If the customer overdrafts, charge a $25 fee. Remember to increment CustomerTransactions and subtract Amount from BankBalance. |
LoanAccount Class |
Variable Names |
Variable Description |
private double LoanBalance |
The customer’s remaining loan principle. |
Methods Names |
Methods Description |
LoanAccount(String theLName, String theFName, String theEmail, double OpeningLoan) |
The constructor should: (1) initialize the name and email, (2) set LoanBalance to OpeningLoan * 1.25 for a 25% interest premium, (3) subtract the OpeningLoan from BankBalance, (4) increment NumberCustomers. |
getLoanBalance() |
Get method since LoanBalance is private |
MakeLoan(Amount) |
Add this amount and a 25% interest premium to the LoanBalance. Remember to increment CustomerTransactions and subtract Amount from BankBalance. |
MakePayment(Amount) |
Subtract Amount from the LoanBalance. If LoanBalance <= 0, output a message (e.g. “Customer X just payed off his/her loan!”). Remember to increment CustomerTransactions and add Amount to BankBalance. |
How to Declare an ArrayList of Objects
In your main program, declare two ArrayLists – one for CheckingAccount and one for LoanAccount. You can use the data below to get started.
ArrayList<CheckingAccount> Check = new ArrayList<CheckingAccount>();
Check.add(new CheckingAccount(“Kirk”,”David”,”[email protected]”,10000.0));
Check.add(new CheckingAccount(“Spock”,”Mister”,”[email protected]”,500.0));
Check.add(new CheckingAccount(“Scott”,”Hulu”,”[email protected]”,75.0));
ArrayList<LoanAccount> Loan = new ArrayList<LoanAccount>();
Loan.add(new LoanAccount(“Zeus”,”Apollo”,”[email protected]”,5000));
Loan.add(new LoanAccount(“Einstein”,”Amy”,”[email protected]”,1000));
Loan.add(new LoanAccount(“Caesar”,”Julie”,”[email protected]”,500));
Printing all Accounts
To print all accounts you can use a for loop to step through each ArrayList element.
for (int i=0; i<Check.size(); i++)
System.out.println (i + “\t” + Check.get(i).GetLName() + “, ” + Check.get(i).GetFName() + “\t” + Check.get(i).getCheckingBalance() + “\t” + Check.get(i).CustomerTransactions);
Retrieving (static) Bank Information
For the static variables, remember that you can use any of the array elements and either the Check class or Loan class – they all point to the same variable. The following two lines give you the same answer:
System.out.println( Check.get(0).BankBalance );
System.out.println( Loan.get(0).BankBalance );
Example Output
//Option 1 to print bank information //Option 2 to print checking accounts //Option 3 to deposit money |
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