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Class Discussion – Week 9

In Chapter 11, Kriesberg examines the challenges of conflict resolution. Share your
interpretation of the challenges outlined by the author and provide insights on the most
effective ways to address them.

Miruslaba Quezada
Mar 3 1:46pm
Manage Discussion by Miruslaba Quezada

Reply from Miruslaba Quezada

Some of the challenges that Kriesberg analyses are the following:

Structural Power imbalances

The interpretation of this is that in conflicts there are uneven playing fields, this means that
some of the parties that are involved in conflict don’t have the power in order to negotiate or
defend themselves the way that higher parties or more powerful parties have the ability to.

One way of solving this is being able to provide legal and equal protections for everyone,
making sure to be able to create a more ewual plating fiels and make sure everyone has fair
negotiation levels.

Deep rooted Emotions

This types of conflicts happen when the conflict or the problem are tied to ethnicity, or religion,
culture etc. These conflicts are hard to resolve because they can be tied to deep values and
beliefs that can make problems a lot harder to resolve.

Resolving these we can make sure that injustices are acknowledged and a place where past
conflicts in cultures can be shared and heard can create a place of trust and recognition. This
can create a reduction of fear and shape trust.


Mistrust can make conflicts hard to resolve because this creates a history of betrayal which
could make it hard to believe the sincerity of the other party when it comes to the conflict.

I think for this one it would be hard in order to find a resolution because trust takes a lot of time
to build but one way that this can be done would be to start with smaller portions of the conflict,
and creating agreements or even a trade for certain conflicts. Another one would be involving a
mediator, this can create a person that is non biased and can help both sides make the
negotiation process a lot easier.

Fear Of the Future Conflict

This creates many barriers in conflict resolution, this is because this fear can make past conflicts
to resurface, and even if peace is ever reached one side can fear that the conflict wont stay
resolved and more problems may come in the future

Addressing this requires a way of trust building and just finding ways in order to keep that trust
going and make it stringer. This can be in ways of small agreements and even partnerships.

Cultural Differences

This can be hard in conflict because it can create misundertandings and tensions, these
differeces can be something like differences in language, traditions and values. When there is
not a good method to manage these it can escalate tensions and even become a source that
escalates problems.

Adressing this requires understanding of differences which can be in ways of teaching one
another about each others cultural differences especially leaders and educators in order to
make communication easier.

Inadequate Frameworks for Resolution

In many conflicts having a noneffective framework for resolution like ineffective negotiation
processes can make things difficult because problems can escalate very quickly and even
persist for longer period of time.

In addressing this the strength of the existing frameworks should be addressed this can be in
ways of avoiding biased institutions, and creating clear policies that can address the existing

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Erica Sharp
Mar 1 9:27pm
Manage Discussion by Erica Sharp

Reply from Erica Sharp

In Chapter 11 of Kriesberg’s Conflict Resolution, the author goes into the complex challenges
that arise in conflict resolution processes. These challenges are multi-dimensional, stemming
from both the inherent nature of conflicts and the difficulties associated with their resolution.
Some of the key challenges Kriesberg outlines are:

1. Structural and Power Imbalances

● Interpretation: Conflict often arises from or is exacerbated by uneven power
dynamics, whether in terms of wealth, authority, or access to resources. When one
party holds more power, it can lead to an imbalance in negotiations or solutions,
making it harder for less powerful groups to have their concerns addressed fairly.

● Addressing the Challenge: The resolution process must seek to equalize power or
create mechanisms that allow for more equitable negotiation. This can be achieved
through the inclusion of mediators or third parties who help level the playing field,
and by fostering transparency and trust between parties.

2. Deep-rooted Emotions and Identities

● Interpretation: Many conflicts, especially those of an ethnic, religious, or cultural
nature, are tied to deeply rooted emotions and identities. These emotions can make
it difficult for parties to engage in rational discussions, as issues like dignity, honor,
and self-determination are involved.

● Addressing the Challenge: To resolve such conflicts, it’s crucial to engage in
dialogues that validate each party’s feelings and identities. Creating safe spaces for
open and respectful communication, and allowing individuals to share personal
experiences, can help in acknowledging these emotional and identity-based

3. Mistrust and Hostility

● Interpretation: Mistrust between conflicting parties often exacerbates the situation,
preventing meaningful dialogue and cooperative problem-solving. Hostility can arise
from historical grievances, past betrayals, or ongoing injustices, and this deep
distrust can derail any attempts at peaceful resolution.

● Addressing the Challenge: Building trust is a gradual process that requires
consistent efforts from both sides. Conflict resolution strategies must involve
confidence-building measures, such as small, manageable agreements or steps that
show the parties that compromise is possible. Third-party mediators can also help in
ensuring fairness and impartiality, contributing to rebuilding trust.

4. Uncertainty and Fear of the Future

● Interpretation: When parties are uncertain about the future or fear that a resolution
will not result in long-term peace or fairness, they may resist coming to the
negotiating table or making concessions. This fear is often linked to concerns about
the potential consequences of a resolution.

● Addressing the Challenge: To mitigate fear and uncertainty, conflict resolution
efforts should focus on creating clear, tangible outcomes and guarantees that
address the core concerns of all parties. It’s essential to ensure that the resolution
includes provisions for monitoring, enforcement, and adaptation over time.

5. Cultural and Societal Differences

● Interpretation: Different cultural perspectives can make it difficult for parties to
understand each other’s values, communication styles, and needs. These cultural
differences can act as barriers to empathy and compromise.

● Addressing the Challenge: Promoting cross-cultural understanding and
competence is essential. This can involve bringing in culturally sensitive mediators or
facilitators who understand the nuances of the groups involved, as well as designing
conflict resolution processes that respect cultural practices and beliefs.

6. Escalation and Entrenchment

● Interpretation: Conflicts often escalate over time, with both parties becoming more
entrenched in their positions. As the conflict becomes more polarized, it becomes
harder to move towards a resolution because both sides feel that they have too
much invested in their stance.

● Addressing the Challenge: To address this, conflict resolution efforts must work to
de-escalate tensions and foster communication in a way that encourages flexibility
and openness. The process should aim at breaking the cycle of escalation by
focusing on shared interests and creating opportunities for compromise.

7. Inadequate Frameworks for Resolution

● Interpretation: Sometimes, conflicts persist because there is no suitable framework
or structure for resolution. This could be due to the absence of effective institutions,
legal structures, or mechanisms for dialogue.

● Addressing the Challenge: Creating or strengthening institutional frameworks that
support negotiation and conflict resolution is essential. This includes establishing
legal systems, peace-building organizations, and conflict mediation structures that
are neutral and capable of handling disputes effectively.

  • Reply from Miruslaba Quezada
  • Reply from Erica Sharp
  • 1. Structural and Power Imbalances
  • 2. Deep-rooted Emotions and Identities
  • 3. Mistrust and Hostility
  • 4. Uncertainty and Fear of the Future
  • 5. Cultural and Societal Differences
  • 6. Escalation and Entrenchment
  • 7. Inadequate Frameworks for Resolution

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