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MLB has integrated Negro Leagues stats. Is

it too little, too late?
Josh Gibson, nicknamed the Black Babe Ruth, is belatedly recognized as the all-time hit king

and a tribute game will be held in Alabama today – but only 5.7% of players are now Black


Andrew Lawrence

Thu 20 Jun 2024 11.00 EDTLast modified on Thu 20 Jun 2024 11.15 EDT

As Bob Kendrick, president of the Kansas City-based Negro Leagues Baseball Museum, tells

baseball’s all-time hit king had eyes like Ted Williams and power like Babe Ruth.

“For me, his greatest feat of all is hitting a ball into the right-field upper deck at Yankee

Stadium,” says Kendrick. “They say he was circling the bases and just giggling. He was the

of guy who was so strong that he could poke you in the arm and it would hurt, but he didn’t

know he was hurting you.”

The indomitable Josh Gibson, nicknamed the Black Babe Ruth, managed all this while

a bat that measured 40 ounces and 41 inches – about 25% bigger than today’s big leagues

“You got to be a
,” adds Kendrick, “to swing that kind of lumber.”

Officially, Gibson is now

man, after Major League Baseball announced the incorporation of

records from the Negro Leagues, even though he never had an at-bat in the majors. The

late last month to include more than 2,300 players followed a three-year research project, led

a special committee of Negro Leagues experts and statisticians.
MLB’s new stats database will formally launch before a special tribute game between the St

Louis Cardinals and San Francisco Giants on Thursday at Alabama’s Rickwood Field, home

the Birmingham Black Barons, the team that launched Willie Mays, perhaps the finest player

ever pick up a bat and glove. Until his death on Tuesday at age 93, Mays – AKA the “Say

Kid” – was one of three surviving Negro Leagues players and baseball’s oldest living Hall of

Famer. MLB had already planned to pay special tribute Mays at a Negro Leagues

commemorative game in absentia.

MLB’s statistical integration rights a wrong that had endured since Major League Baseball

accepted Black players into its ranks in 1947, precipitating the Negro Leagues’ slow death

next year. Why it took nearly 80 years to integrate the stats is a matter of ongoing

with critics accusing MLB of going woke, and some Black baseball fans feeling it all comes

too late in the day. Nevertheless, 77 years since he last swung his bat, Gibson, an imposing

catcher and slugger once relegated to the shadows, now stands above the rest.

A gentle giant who loomed large behind the plate, whether crouched in front of the umpire or

rolling up his sleeves to show off his massive biceps, Gibson overtook Ty Cobb in career

average, surpassed Ruth in on-base plus slugging (a prominent advanced stat that measures a

hitter’s ability to reach base and hit for average and power), and topped Barry Bonds’s

single-season slugging percentage record, in two different years.

No US sport is more serious about its stats than baseball. Learned fans call up the most

marks – Hank Aaron’s 755 home runs, Pete Rose’s 4,256 hits, Bob Gibson’s 1.12 earned run

average (ERA), Mays’s 660 homers, 339 steals and 7,769 putouts (from centerfield!) – as

as their own phone numbers. Statistics for Negro Leagues players were just as painstakingly

among teams and the Black press, which was no mean feat in a league where no set schedule

guaranteed to play out as planned.

“They had to scramble to keep afloat,” says John Thorn, the MLB house historian who

the 17-person committee that decided baseball’s stat integration. “If they played two or three

games in a day and one was a league game and two were against integrated semi-pros, well,

was a paycheck.” Negro Leagues players barnstormed the country to make ends meet. They

forced into that hustle, adds Thorn, because of “MLB’s racism”.
A 1969 committee on baseball records recognized six major leagues dating to 1876 – but

excluded the Negro Leagues “for no reason”, Thorn says. “But while settling on those

rival leagues as equivalent of the major leagues, the subject of the Negro Leagues’ caliber of

play was not really much of a question. Everyone agreed it was pretty darn good. That’s why

I’ve taken to use the trope of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man to describe the attitude toward

baseball. It wasn’t so much racist animus as it was the feeling that they weren’t there.”

The Negro Leagues weren’t just an alternative pastime born from the two Americas that

up from segregation. As Sam Pollard shows in his 2023 documentary The League, the Negro

Leagues teams were obvious indicators of thriving Black enclaves in major American cities.

couldn’t go to major league games,” Pollard told me, “and if we did, we had to sit isolated,

segregated from white audiences. So we created our own Black baseball teams, and that kept

money circulating within our stores and funeral homes and the like, helping the community


It wasn’t until 2020, when Covid restrictions forced MLB to cut its schedule from 162 games

60 (the baseline for an average Negro National League season) while making clear that the

records generated during that span would be treated the same, that the league announced the

integration of Negro League stats to correct “a longtime oversight”. Over the course of six

meetings, Thorn’s MLB committee – which included representatives from the Negro

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