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Normally, for these papers, each paragraph that I assign should be from 100 to 150
words, most around 150). The goal for these papers, in this online class, is to convey
your new knowledge and understanding, analyze the information, and evaluate it. It
may also be helpful to compare and contrast the opinions and beliefs you held prior to
being introduced to a new idea. For some of you, the constructionist way of
understanding categories and difference is not new, and for others this may challenge
much of what you know. Also, for some of you, you may have taken history classes that
have covered some similar material. Personal application and reflection will be a natural
part of this class and these papers, but that should not override the explanation of your
understanding of the content. Sometimes in sociology classes it is easy to fall into the
trap of writing about your experiences to the neglect of writing about the content. For
future reference so you don’t have to count words, this whole paragraph was just
over 11 lines 12-point, in Calibri font and was 189 words (Word doc).

For this first paper, to give you an idea, I added up all word count requests for a
total of 1460 words and in a Word doc, single-spaced, it was roughly two and 1/3
pages in 12-point Times New Roman font. Word count is one reason I prefer not
to have a lot of in-text citations, but if you are more comfortable including a few
per paragraph, just account for that in word count. Sometimes students include
five or six or seven lengthy in-text citations per paragraph and I think that goes
overboard for these papers. I’m providing the sources after all.

I number the questions, so I prefer that you number your answers accordingly. Do
not repeat the question, just your numbered answers. Normally, one number means one
paragraph, but at times I will include, for example “1 and 2,” to let you know that the
question requires two paragraphs. Do not be concerned about going over the
suggested word count of 150 per paragraph; that is fine. Each paper is worth 35
points. For this class, I opted not to have large tests or long papers, but to focus on the
accumulation of knowledge, one module at a time.

You do not need to reference this book at the end of each paper. When you cite in-text a
part that you paraphrased, or used a short quote, please use the author of THAT
reading and a page number. For example, Reading 1 was written by Smedley, so
you could use this once or twice in a paragraph as an in-text citation of sorts:
(Smedley, 51).

**Remember to use information from the readings to support what you say. For
example: “Smedley (page 51) described historical constructions of identity, and in doing
so, it became clear that people of different skin tones and from different geographical
areas (what U.S defines as racial groups today) interacted, intermarried, and shared
residence in towns. She described this example….xxx..and that is important because…”

Paragraph #1 (about 150 words) Framework Essay 1

This paragraph that begins this paper can be mostly reflection (this is not the norm but
at times I will give you the green light) because I really want you to describe your
reactions to Framework Essay 1. What kinds of thoughts and emotions were you
experiencing when considering the premise of constructionism as a concept? After
gaining an understanding of essentialism and constructionism, how would you describe
yourself in terms of viewing your social world over the years from adolescence, into
young adulthood, and possibly beyond if you are over 25? How do you think your family
growing up influenced your ways of thinking? How do you think your community and/or
neighborhood and/or schools influenced your ways of thinking?

Paragraph #2 (about 100 words) PBS.org

This was in your week 1 notes.

Links to an external site.

Click on each of the 10 buttons to learn “quick facts about race.”

Discuss two or three or more of the facts that you didn’t know. If you knew them all,
describe how and when you learned of these facts.

Paragraph #3 (about 150 words) PBS.org

Links to an external site.

Review the summary of main points, and then under “More things to Consider” read
the section “Is there a correct way to classify?” up to the point of the section “what
about multiraciality?”

What things struck you most in the “summary of main points” section?

As the site stated, “Most of these categories were introduced in 1977, in response to
new civil rights laws designed to remedy discrimination. Look closely at these
definitions. Is everybody defined in the same way?”

For the sake of convenience, I copy and pasted the categories:

Following are the U.S. federal government’s current definitions for the racial and ethnic
groups we used in the sorting activity:

American Indian or Alaskan Native.
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South
America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or
community recognition.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East,
Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia,
China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands,
Thailand, and Vietnam.

Black or African American.
A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms
such as “Haitian” or “Negro” can be used in addition to “Black or African

Hispanic or Latino.
A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or
other Spanish culture of origin, regardless of race. The term “Spanish origin”
can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino.”

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam,
Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle
East, or North Africa.

What do you think the purpose is of the categories?

Paragraph #4 (about 150 words) Framework 1 Essay

Briefly describe the meaning of race and the meaning of ethnicity, according to the
essay, page 23. What did you conclude was the significance of these definitions to

Briefly discuss how sexuality is addressed in the essay, and how it has been
dichotomized (page 28.)

Briefly, how does the construct of the “Other” play a part in categories and differences?
(page 35)

Paragraph #5 paragraph (about 100 words) PBS.org: Race Timeline: Learn more
about the history and evolution of the race

From PBS.org: American ideas about race have changed significantly over time. Since
the beginning, the way we have classified and defined groups, our laws, social policies,
even our scientific discoveries — have all been shaped by shifting political priorities.

There was an activity that was interactive that is no longer available, so we have to look
at “print” versions, which make this a bit more cumbersome.

Click on the link below.

Links to an external site.

Since there are a number of “print” versions, I chose just one, “The Evolution of an
Idea” so you can see how the idea of race evolved.

Links to an external site.

Feel free to poke around at others and explore from this page:

Links to an external site.

Write, as much in your own words as possible, a sentence or two about each of three
of the dates (i.e. 1300s, 1705) in that time period. Compare and contrast the events
and categories listed in the time frame…what all is happening in this time frame?
How did the concept of race emerge?

Paragraph #6 (Race: The Power of an Illusion) for this question (see actual
questions below the embedded video) a total of 150 words:

View the documentary “The Difference Between Us.” Prior to viewing it, consider :
Where do your ideas about race come from? What are the sources of your information?
Our Discussion Board #2 will also pose questions about this documentary.

This video is available streaming for free via the PSU Library. Included a link in our
module and also here (you will need to log in, so click the orange button “watch now”
then the orange button “log in to PSU” and proceed):

Links to an external site.

I’m also going to embed it to see how that works:

Actual questions for Paragraph 6, answer all, or at least four of them):

1. a) What did Frederick Hoffman 1896 offer up as “unimpeachable science”
regarding the differences in life expectancy between whites and African
Americans? What factors did he omit? What else happened in that year?

2. b) What is eugenics and to what purpose did it serve?
3. c) Is it possible to single out genes that seem to indicate a raw talent in

athletic performance that is linked to race? or musical skills that are also
linked to race? What do the experts say about this?

4. d) What did the high school students find about their MTDNA differences?
5. e) Explain the concepts of “non-concordance” and “within-group” and

“between group variation.”

Paragraph #7 (150 words) From Reading 1, page 51

Why was the social classification of race invented? Again, use information from the
reading to support what you say. For me, and for this course, to simplify things and to
use your time wisely, you only need to cite the reading once after your first quote (very
short quotes only please) or paraphrase. I know this may seem strange, but I would
rather make this part easy. So, for the first reading just use (Smedley, Reading 1.) If
you choose to use an outside source, you can cite that of course. You may want to do
that, for example, if you have a differing opinion from the author, and you want to
express that and support what you say. Just to be clear, all of the authors will cite other
people, but don’t worry about that, you are not reading those directly anyway, and again,
I want the citation process to be easy for these weekly papers.

Paragraph #8 (150 words) From Reading 2, page 61:

● What is the historical foundation for the “one-drop rule?” Were there, or are
there, any advantages to this rule? How does the “one-drop rule” affect
African Americans?

● Who was Homer Plessy? What is the significance today of the ruling in the
case Plessy v. Ferguson?

Paragraph # 9 paragraph (about 120 words total) From Reading 3 and Personal
Account p. 71

● From Reading 3, page 70: a) Did “the Other” become a larger or smaller
category over time? b) What assumptions are made about American society
when there are only three racial categories?

● Read the Personal Account “A Loaded Vacation,” page 71, and write about
your reaction to it.

Paragraph # 10 (about 140 words total) From Reading 4 and Personal Account p.

● From Reading 4: a) What does Shania Twain’s case illustrate? b) Discuss the
relevance of physical appearance to participation in certain cultural activities.

● From Personal Account p. 89: In a sentence or two, describe your reactions
to this personal account.

Paragraph # 11 paragraph (about 100 words total) From Reading 6

● From Reading 6: a) Do you think the term “Hispanic” is a racialized ethnic
label? Why or why not? b) What problems might develop if each generation of
Latino/a immigrants chooses to identify with a different label?

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