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Instructions for Paper #4

Please read Module 7 notes for an overview of the activities.

**Remember to use information from the readings to support what you say.

Paragraph #1 (about 150 words)

Reading 38, page 390: Describe the main points of the article and the theory behind
the IAT. You can take the IAT if you’d like; it only takes a few minutes:

Click on “Take a Test” at the top:

Links to an external site.

Paragraph #2 (about 120 words)

PA page 395: Briefly describe your reaction to this Personal Account (1 to 2 sentences).

Reading 40: Did you know about the contribution of Mexican Americans to the American
civil rights movement or about the segregation they experienced? If you did, where did
you learn about that? Why do you think there is so little attention to the role and
experience of Mexican Americans in this historical period?

Paragraph #3: (about 100 words)

Reading 42: Were you surprised to learn about the role of the federal government in the
creation and maintenance of residential segregation? Rothstein concludes his essay
with the observation that secondary school textbooks ignore the history of residential
segregation, especially outside the South. How would you explain that? What are the
practical consequences of our failure to educate students about the history of residential

Paragraph #4: (about 50 words)

PA p. 402: Briefly describe your reaction to this Personal Account

PA page 410: Briefly state your personal reaction to this account.

Video for the question below: The Case Against 8

Accessing the video:

This documentary is available through the same system (MediaSpace) that we have

If time is short, please feel free to advance in the video as needed and also there is a

Paragraphs #5 (about 180 words total) Video: The Case Against 8

The video “The Case Against 8” goes with our discussion of difference overall, but
especially the topic of “law and policy” that several readings covered. I want you to
discuss the video via the major elements of the textbook.

How does this video help explain “difference” in terms of:

1) how it is constructed

2) how it is experienced by individuals

3) how meaning is attributed to difference

4) how differences can be bridged

Provide direct examples from the video, at least one example per question. I just
numbered the categories for convenience. You can choose to follow in that format or

Paragraph #6: (about 125 words) Reading 44, p. 411

Reading 44: How would you explain women’s lack of academic self-confidence and
men’s excess of it?

Why do you think the popular discussion/debate about gender differences in higher
education has been so misinformed?

Paragraph #7: Choose ONE (100 words)

Reading 45, p. 415: How has gendering changed little in the personal realm?

Why does the author say that desegregation has been limited to high level jobs?

How does the “uneven character of gender change” affect men?

*Alternative to Reading 45: Paula England, author of Reading 45 on the Gender
Revolution, is a renowned sociologist. But, if you prefer, here is an alternative for
anyone who wishes to switch these out. The video does not cover the exact same data
and material, so I hope you can at least read England’s conclusion on page 421 of your
text. For your paragraph, please summarize what you learned:

Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, and co-author of “Lean In” gives a
talk about “So we leaned in…now what?” It is about 16 minutes.

Links to an external site.

Paragraph #8: (about 150 words) Reading 46 and PA p. 432

Reading 46: Would changing state laws prevent situations where “it’s always open
season on gay kids”? Does your state regulate sexuality and promote a normative form
of heterosexuality? Why?

PA p. 432: As briefly as you’d like (a sentence at least, though) describe your personal
reaction to this account.

Paragraph #9: (about 100 words) Reading 49 p. 443

Reading 49: Address any one or more of the below questions:

-What are some of the consequences of childhood poverty?

-What should be the government’s role in preventing poverty?

-What would change if the United States recognized poverty as a structural failing?

Paragraph #10 (about 150 words)

Reading 50, p. 447: According to Peter Sacks, why haven’t universities been advocates
for reducing economic inequalities? Would you be in favor of eliminating the SAT
requirement for college admission? Do you think it will ever be eliminated:

Reading 53, p. 468: What is the current effect of a learning disability diagnosis on a
student’s secondary education? In examining the history of the learning disabilities
category, is Sleeter implying that learning disabilities are not “real”?

Paragraph #11: (about 150 words)

Reading 54, p.473: What would an able-bodied audience find appealing in the EMHE
shows? Why do you think the show has “ratcheted up” its criteria for “inspiration” and
“deserving?” What stereotypes are reinforced by shows such as EMHE?

Paragraph #12: (about 100 words)

Reading 55, p.492: Would you agree that for adolescent boys, the era of “homohysteria”
is coming to a close? What evidence and experience would you look to in making that
assessment? What is Eric Anderson’s explanation for the historic variations

Paragraph #13: (about 150 words total )

Reading 56, p.502: In a sense, Allan Johnson’s discussion highlights the paradoxes
inherent in the effort to create social change. What are those paradoxes, and how does
Johnson resolve them? According to Johnson, we all participate—either directly or
indirectly, consciously or unconsciously—in perpetuating inequality and discrimination
and thereby support systems of privilege and oppression. Can you provide some
examples to illustrate this concept? Overall, what was your reaction to the author’s
discussion of creating social change (becoming part of the solution)?

PA p. 506 Briefly reflect on this PA (1 to 2 sentences)

Paragraph #14: (about 150 words total)

Reading 57, p. 507: What was your reaction to this reading? Do you think he is on the
right track? Would you rather have money or a large number of supporters if you were
seeking to create social change? How much money would you want to have before you
considered giving away some of it to create social change? What is Wimsatt referring
to when he says that philanthropy will not solve all of our problems, “especially the way
it is done now”?

PA p. 511 Briefly reflect on this PA (1 to 2 sentences)

Paragraph #15: (about 150 words)

Reading 58, p.511: Discuss some of the ways that Kivel says white people can work for
racial justice. Is there one in particular that really struck you? What is Kivel referring to
when he urges white allies to “be strategic” and “not to confuse a battle with the war”
(i.e., discern the larger patterns behind particular incidents and interactions)? What
does Kivel mean when he says that when someone is being attacked, even by a joke or
teasing, there are no innocent bystanders? Do you agree with this?

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