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Assessment Traits


Requires Lopeswrite

Assessment Description

As an educator, you will be expected to know how to create and implement daily lesson plans and assessments. It is important to develop the skills to write lesson plans that include state standards, effective learning objectives, appropriate instructional strategies, and differentiated activities and assessments to meet the diverse needs of all students. Assessments do not have to look the same for all students. By using ethical and equitable approaches, assessments can be seamlessly woven into instruction to provide students with multiple opportunities to demonstrate their learning. Effective instructional planning and assessments are foundational to your future professional practice.

Part 1: Lesson Plan

Throughout this course, you have developed a full lesson plan, including aligning learning objectives to standards, determining instructional strategies and assessments, planning all components of a lesson plan, and considering differentiation for diverse student needs.

Imagine that you are now planning the next lesson for learning. Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” develop that full lesson by choosing the next standard you would address and applying the planning process to that standard using the template.

Include at least 2-4 assessments and for each assessment included in your lesson plan, justify its purpose in supporting and demonstrating learning.

art 2: Reflection

Write a 500-750 word reflection on how you would apply assessment practices to your lesson plan. Address the following in your reflection:

· Discuss how you designed standards-based formative and summative assessments that are differentiated to meet all student needs.

· Explain 2-3 methods for providing descriptive and timely feedback within the lesson to assist students and families in understanding student progress.

· Describe ethical and equitable assessment practices for the classroom, including when using technology to support assessment.

Support your lesson plan and reflection with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Submit your lesson plan and reflection in a single document.


 This assignment may be added as an artifact to your toolkit.

While APA Style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite Technical Support Articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:

MA Elementary Education (NITL/ITL)

4.1: Identify a variety of assessments and their purposes in supporting and demonstrating learning. [InTASC 6(a), 6(e), 6(g), 6(j), 6(k); TEP 5.1]

4.2: Design standards-based assessments that are differentiated to meet all learner needs. [InTASC 1(a), 6(b), 6(p), 6(r), 6(u); TPE 5.8; MC5]

4.4: Provide descriptive and timely feedback using a variety of methods to assist students and families in understanding student progress. [InTASC 6(n), 6(o), 6(s); TPE 5.5; MC4]

4.6: Determine ethical and equitable assessment practices for the classroom including when technology is used to support assessment. [InTASC 6(i), 6(v); ISTE-E 7(a), 7b; TPE 5.4; MC5

Must Use the Required Lesson Plan and References Below:

COE Lesson Plan Template and Principles of Lesson Planning


Watch “COE Lesson Plan Template and Principles of Lesson Planning,” located on YouTube (2021).

COE Lesson Plan Template


Use the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” located in the Student Success Center, to complete the topic assignment.

5 Tips to Improve Your Lesson Plan


Read “5 Tips to Improve Your Lesson Plan,” by Romano, located on the NEA website (2018).

Leveraging Technology to Support Students’ Needs


Read “Leveraging Technology to Support Students’ Needs,” by Boutelier and Ludwig, located on the Edutopia website (2021

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Ambitious Teaching and Equitable Assessment


Read “Ambitious Teaching and Equitable Assessment,” by Shepard, located on the AFT website (2021).

6 Ways to Ensure Your Assessment Practices Are Fair and Unbiased


Read “6 Ways to Ensure Your Assessment Practices Are Fair and Unbiased,” by Suskie, located on the Wiley website (2019).

Ethics in Classroom Assessment Practices: Issues and Attitudes


Read “Ethics in Classroom Assessment Practices: Issues and Attitudes,” by Green et al., from 
Teaching and Teacher Educati

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Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work


Review the Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work, located on the GCU website.

Model Code of Ethics for Educators (MCEE)


Download and review the MCEE.  

How to Make Ethical Decisions in a Complex World


Read “How to Make Ethical Decisions in a Complex World,” by Smith, located on the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary website

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