Identify and discuss five major components of the public health cultural assessment framework. Develop a basic cultural health assessment survey instrument for a ethnic/cultural (i.e African-American, Hispanic, Asian-America, etc.) target group with high prevalent diseases such as HIV, STDs, heart disease, etc. Develop a table with at least three questions for each each component (total of at least 15 questions).Submit a 350 word paper discussing components and target group and a 1-2 page assessment survey instrument plus a title page and reference page.
TEST BANK Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 4th Edition By Theresa Kyle: Susan Carman Chapter 1-29 Complete CHAPTER: INTRODUCTION TO CHILD HEALTH AND PEDIATRIC NURSING Origin: Chapter 1, 1 The nurse pro
TEST BANK Essentials of Pediatric Nursing 4th Edition By Theresa Kyle: Susan Carman Chapter 1-29 Complete CHAPTER: INTRODUCTION TO CHILD HEALTH AND PEDIATRIC NURSING Origin: Chapter 1, 1 The nurse providing family-centered care in a hospital setting reflects on the focus of the health care provided in today’s society.Which statement