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Special Education SE 405 IEP scenario

Review the following interactive slide show on working with caseworkers and foster parents at
before developing your IEP.


Twelve-year old Janet has been placed in a foster home since it was reported that she was being neglected by her mother, a single-parent who would leave her alone for days at a time. When her grandmother became aware that Janet was alone she would bring her to her house but was unable to take her to her neighborhood school. Janet’s grandmother is not as fluent in English since she was an adult when she moved to the United States.

The Child Protective Services caseworker learned during her investigation that Janet has an Individualized Education Program (IEP).

The case worker and Janet’s foster mother each contact the special education teacher at her school to obtain a copy of Janet’s IEP. They both let the teacher know that they want to be included in all future meetings at the school regarding Janet.

Janet is a fifth-grade student with a specific learning disability in the area of reading comprehension. She continues to have difficulty with decoding words, blends, and frequently used sight words. Her writing skills and reading skills are at 1st grade level. She enjoys looking through fashion magazines and
Girls’ Life magazine. She enjoys art and draws pictures of clothes and shoes. Janet is always singing on the playground and really enjoys songs by Jennifer Lopez and Taylor Swift. Other teachers have said she sounds exactly like these talented artists.

She is a sweet child with no apparent behavior problems. She does need guidance on appropriate behavior to interact with all members of a group when completing group work. She will shut down when her answers are challenged by group members. Janet does not always make eye contact with her peers or adults. She will make eye contact with the classroom pets a turtle and a small guinea pig. She will make eye contact with the reading dog that visits the class room twice a week and read to him in the reading corral area of the class.

DOB: 2/1/2005

LRE: Inclusion class 80%+

Grade: 5th

Ethnicity: Other (mother Asian/Vietnamese, father is reported as being Hispanic and Black but has never had contact with Janet)

Native Language: There are questions about her native language.

Caseworker: Mary Davenport

Foster Parent: Jessica Boleware, she lives 1 block from Best Schools Elementary School and has been a foster parent for 10 years. She has two additional foster children in her home. Both are girls ages 8 and 11.

Principal: Terri Jones, Best Schools Elementary

General Education Teacher: Rita Alexander, 5th grade team leader/inclusion class

Psychometrist: Jay Jones, Outstanding County School District, Outstanding Alabama

Woodcock Johnson Mastery Test of Reading Data:

Word Identification 1.2 grade level

Requires examinee to read words of increasing difficulty

Word Attack 1.4 grade level

Requires examinee to read nonsense words of increasing difficulty

Word Comprehension 1.8 grade level

Measures reading vocabulary from three different levels of cognitive processing in the form of:

– Antonyms 2.2 grade level

– Synonyms 2.4 grade level

– Analogies 1.3 grade level

Passage Comprehension 1.4 grade level

– Measures the ability to study a sentence or short passage and exercise a variety of comprehension and vocabulary skills in identifying a missing word

– Employs a modified cloze procedure task that uses a blank line to represent the missing word

● Total Reading – 1.7 grade level

Broad measure of global reading ability


1. Select two reading goals from the Alabama to include on Janet’s IEP.

2. Complete the attached IEP using the two goals you selected from the Alabama State Standards in the area of Reading/Language Arts. (Even though Janet functions on a 1st grade level, she is in 5th grade, so you must use the grade level standards but apply them to the specific needs of this student.

3. Note: The child is NOT 14 so you will NOT have to complete the Transition section of the IEP.

4. Complete all other sections of the IEP. Remember that the child does not have a behavior plan and lives only 1 block from the school.

5. Write the names of the individuals that can attend the meeting.

6. Also list who can and cannot sign the IEP.

7. Use the highlighter feature in the word document and highlight each part of the IEP that is required by IDEA.

8. Upload the IEP document into the Assignment link in the course.

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